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World of Our Fathers: The Journey of the East European Jews to America and the Life They Found and Made

ePub World of Our Fathers: The Journey of the East European Jews to America and the Life They Found and Made by Irving Howe in History


Winner of the 2001 Gustavus Myers Program Book Award. Contrary to simple textbook tales; the civil rights movement did not arise spontaneously in 1954 with the landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision. The black struggle for civil rights can be traced back to the arrival of the first Africans; and to their work in the plantations; manufacturies; and homes of the Americas. Civil rights was thus born as labor history. Civil Rights Since 1787 tells the story of that struggle in its full context; dividing the struggle into six major periods; from slavery to Reconstruction; from segregation to the Second Reconstruction; and from the current backlash to the future prospects for a Third Reconstruction. The "prize" that the movement has sought has often been reduced to a quest for the vote in the South. But all involved in the struggle have always known that the prize is much more than the vote; that the goal is economic as well as political. Further; in distinction from other work; Civil Rights Since 1787 establishes the links between racial repression and the repression of labor and the left; and emphasizes the North as a region of civil rights struggle. Featuring the voices and philosophies of orators; activists; and politicians; this anthology emphasizes the role of those ignored by history; as well as the part that education and religion have played in the movement. Civil Rights Since 1787 serves up an informative mix of primary documents and secondary analysis and includes the work of such figures as Ella Baker; Mary Frances Berry; Clayborne Carson; Frederick Douglass; W. E. B. DuBois; Eric Foner; Herb Gutman; Fannie Lou Hamer; A. Leon Higginbotham; Darlene Clark Hine; Jesse Jackson; Malcolm X; Martin Luther King; Manning Marable; Nell Painter; Frances Fox Piven and Richard Cloward; A. Philip Randolph; Mary Church Terrell; and Howard Zinn.

#77236 in Books NYU Press 2005-10-01 2005-10-01Format: Deluxe EditionOriginal language:EnglishPDF # 1 10.25 x 1.96 x 7.13l; 2.63 #File Name: 0814736858768 pages

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Set the standardBy A. ColganHowe's work has sweeping scope and comprehensive depictions of every aspect of immigrant Jewish life in New York City; from life in the old countries; passage to NYC; first flats and jobs; religious life; social and labor aspects; 2nd generation; and more. A marvelous work of genuine scholarship. I gave it 4 stars because I'd have liked to know something; anything; about Jewish immigrant life in other cities and regions. Perhaps that's unfair; but the title does imply more of America than NYC (I know; since he's from NYC it might be hard to imagine that there is more).1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. This was the edition I was hoping to receive.By anonymousIt's been awhile since I read it; but it was a subject I was really interested in... the Jewish immigrant experience. Several facts about my family that I've heard about during my life were confirmed in this book. I haven't given it much thought before; but it made me especially proud of my grandfather's accomplishments.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. World of Our Fathers; the book.By Toby R. MadisonWhether or not one is Jewish; this book is fascinating as it delves into the various immigrations from around the world to the United States. I knew quite a bit about the Jewish immigration from Western Europe; Australia and New Zealand; but I knew little of the emigration from Eastern Europe. Therefore; I found this very well written book enlightening.

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