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Women in Ancient Rome: A Sourcebook (Bloomsbury Sources in Ancient History)

audiobook Women in Ancient Rome: A Sourcebook (Bloomsbury Sources in Ancient History) by Bonnie MacLachlan in History


John Brown’s failed raid on the federal armory in Harper’s Ferry Virginia served as a vital precursor to the Civil War; but its importance to the struggle for justice is free standing and exceptional in the history of the United States. In Freedom's Dawn; Louis DeCaro; Jr.; has written the first book devoted exclusively to Brown during the six weeks between his arrest and execution. DeCaro traces his evolution from prisoner to convicted felon; to a prophetic figure; then martyr; and finally the rise of his legacy. In doing so he touches upon major biographical themes in Brown’s story; but also upon antebellum political issues; violence and terrorism; and the themes of political imprisonment and martyrdom.

#1679453 in Books 2013-09-12 2013-09-12Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 236.98 x 14.35 x 6.23l; .75 #File Name: 1441164219232 pages


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