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Why the Jews?: The Reason for Antisemitism

audiobook Why the Jews?: The Reason for Antisemitism by Dennis Prager; Joseph Telushkin in History


The gripping story of the man who was the American Revolution’s moral compass—Ira Stoll tells readers who Samuel Adams was; why he has been forgotten; and why he must be remembered.Thomas Jefferson called Samuel Adams “truly the man of the Revolution.” Adams; filled with religious fervor; inspired others to fight on and overcome the challenges of the Revolutionary War. He was the editor of the influential Boston Gazette; planner of the Boston Tea Party; and signer of the Declaration of Independence; and yet; he is largely ignored and unknown today. Understanding the leading part Adams played in building and sustaining support for the revolutionary cause gives readers new insight into the way religion motivated the founding of America.

#69381 in Books Dennis Prager 2003-08-12 2003-08-12Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 8.44 x .70 x 5.50l; .57 #File Name: 0743246209272 pagesNew InsightsNew Perspectives

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Can be a discouraging note on humanityBy J. R. GordonThe authors travel through time - to today - can be a discouraging note on humanity - but; if one does not understand history; one cannot benefit from what it teaches us all. A concise; well-written discussion about prejudice and stereotyping - using Jews and Judaism as the primary example. Hopefully; we learn not to repeat the past.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. I'm in the process of reading this book. I ...By Peggy RushingI'm in the process of reading this book. I respect the authors of this book and I want to understand why the Jews are victimized around the world.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Why the JewsBy YoniThis is not an entertaining read. It wasn't meant to be. There are some pertinent parts(to me) as a convert.

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