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Who Discovered America?: The Untold History of the Peopling of the Americas

DOC Who Discovered America?: The Untold History of the Peopling of the Americas by Gavin Menzies; Ian Hudson in History


“A haunting story about the long reach of the past.”—Maureen Corrigan; NPR’S Fresh Air“In this intriguing book; [Nordhaus] shares her journey to discover who her immigrant ancestor really was—and what strange alchemy made the idea of her linger long after she was gone.” —PeopleLa Posada—“place of rest”—was once a grand Santa Fe mansion. It belonged to Abraham and Julia Staab; who emigrated from Germany in the mid-nineteenth century. After they died; the house became a hotel. And in the 1970s; the hotel acquired a resident ghost—a sad; dark-eyed woman in a long gown. Strange things began to happen there: vases moved; glasses flew; blankets were ripped from beds. Julia Staab died in 1896—but her ghost; they say; lives on.In American Ghost; Julia’s great-great-granddaughter; Hannah Nordhaus; traces her ancestor’s transfiguration from nineteenth-century Jewish bride to modern phantom. Family diaries; photographs; and newspaper clippings take her on a riveting journey through three hundred years of German history and the American immigrant experience. With the help of historians; genealogists; family members; and ghost hunters; she weaves a masterful; moving story of fin-de-siècle Europe and pioneer life; villains and visionaries; medicine and spiritualism; imagination and truth; exploring how lives become legends; and what those legends tell us about who we are.

#129052 in Books Menzies Gavin 2014-11-25 2014-11-25Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.00 x .87 x 6.00l; .0 #File Name: 0062236784336 pagesWho Discovered America The Untold History of the Peopling of the Americas

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. Just part of the Story...By WoodyFirst of all Gavin Menzies knows what he's talking about. However I was a little disappointed in that it dealt primarily with the ancient findings in Chile. Which is very important but I was hoping he would cover more territory. Most writers of pre-history ignore that the earliest archeological findings in America will never be found because they are covered by up to 300 feet of water off the present west coast of America. You must remember that the ocean levels were much lower 12k to 30k years ago and as such peoples coasting from Asia across Beringia to America left their traces on land that is now under water. The Clovis people were NOT the first peoples in the New World as Menzies shows in this book but the whole story may never be known unless serious underwater archeology is attempted.2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Who Discovered AmericaBy James E ChaffeeThe author makes some interesting observations though not all of them are convincing such as the idea that an oral tradition based people could not remember the location and usage of 49 Chinese acupuncture points nor that people around the world can discover similar points.However his ideas concerning the difficulty of bring parasites via the land bridge from Asia makes very good sense to me.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. History needs to be updated!By Michael MorellWe don't know; what we don't know! Gavin Menzie and his team of investigators/researchers are exploding our "European" view of the history of the Americas! Using the latest in technology in science and medicine to convince us to look east to China to find the original settlers of the Americas.

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