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When in Germany; Do as the Germans Do: The Clued-In Guide to German Life; Language; and Culture

ebooks When in Germany; Do as the Germans Do: The Clued-In Guide to German Life; Language; and Culture by Hyde Flippo in History


Napoleon's Hussars made their first real impact during the Napoleonic Wars in 1806; with their astonishing pursuit of the Prussians over 1;160km from the river Saale to the Oder in twenty-five days. They then capped this feat on arrival when; by dint of audacious demonstrations by the 500 men of the combined 5th and 7th Hussars; the 6;000-strong Prussian garrison was bluffed into capitulating its fortress at Stettin along with 160 cannon. This splendid volume by Emir Bukhari describes the organization; war records; dress and equipment of these most colorful of Napoleon's troops.

#412357 in Books 2002-07-19 2002-07-19Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 8.30 x .34 x 5.50l; .35 #File Name: 0844225533176 pages

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Is nearly 16 years old. And in a country ...By Forester_MarkIs nearly 16 years old. And in a country changing as fast as the unified Germany that is a lot of change. Maybe be more history than 2016 reality.167 of 170 people found the following review helpful. Those Surprising; Never Boring German WaysBy Ron Hunka"When in Germany; Do as the Germans Do"Hyde FlippoISBN 0-8442-2553-3Hyde Flippo has written another interesting book about German ways; for Americans planning to go to Germany. It is a good follow-up to "The German Way". Sometimes writers of travel books try to provide insights that turn out to be misleading. Mr. Flippo; however; is neither travel writer nor dilettante and seems to know Germany well.The book begins with a series of questions to test one's knowledge of things German. Despite having once lived in Germany; having traveled there several times recently; and being particularly interested in the German language and culture; out of the first ten questions; I could answer only three correctly.The German washing machine is a case in point. Any American who has ever tried to do laundry at a German laundromat has discovered differences in the process. For starters; there hardly are any German laundromats. Next; a German washing machine may have a two-hour wash cycle; it uses hotter water; since it heats its own; and it spins the laundry to a near dry state.Regarding the German language; Mr. Flippo cites a number of English sounding words commonly in use that Germans think are English words; which are not. A couple of examples are "die Basecap" which means "baseball cap"; and "der Talkmaster"; which refers to a "talk show host".Flippo touches on other "Germanisms" which I have encountered. One is the idea that drinking tap water is unhealthy and should be avoided. A waitress I encountered in Austria explained that although it was okay for Americans to drink tap water that it was not good for Germans and Austrians. Germans tend to drink bottled mineral water; and asking for tap water; "das Leitungswasser"; will not uncommonly be regarded as fairly strange behavior.Another useful thing to know is that credit cards are not as universally accepted as they are in the U.S. Flippo warns that is best to never assume that a restaurant will accept your credit card. The same is true for smaller hotels and accommodations. As evidence; Flippo points out that although France has a population of about 58 million and Germany 82 million; 250;000 less locations in Germany accept credit cards.One of the most entertaining chapters in the book is about household garbage in Germany. One is not allowed to simply put anything in one's garbage can. There are strict local rules for the separation of the various types of waste. Glass waste is not to be mixed with biodegradable waste; for example. Break the rules; and your garbage does not get picked up. By the way; the garbage disposal is not to be found in Germany; and it is in fact illegal; due to pollution considerations.Despite previous familiarity with Germany; I acquired new information from this book and very much enjoyed reading it. Hopefully; in the future; Hyde Flippo will tell me some more that I do not know about the German-speaking world.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Dieses Buch ist großartig!By Peter ChanGreat book if you are planning to visit; study; move; to Germany. Provides less headache when you know what to expect and are familiar with the cultural etiquette and social unspoken rules.

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