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Western Esotericism: A Guide for the Perplexed (Guides for the Perplexed)

ebooks Western Esotericism: A Guide for the Perplexed (Guides for the Perplexed) by Wouter J. Hanegraaff in History


There is an “American Way” to religion and race unlike anyplace else in the world; and the rise of religious pluralism in contemporary American (together with the continuing legacy of the racism of the past and misapprehensions in the present) render its understanding crucial. Paul Harvey’s Bounds of Their Habitation; the latest installment in the acclaimed American Ways Series; concisely surveys the evolution and interconnection of race and religion throughout American history. Harvey pierces through the often overly academic treatments afforded these essential topics to accessibly delineate a narrative between our nation’s revolutionary racial and religious beginnings; and our increasingly contested and pluralistic future. Anyone interested in the paths America’s racial and religious histories have traveled; where they’ve most profoundly intersected; and where they will go from here; will thoroughly enjoy this book and find its perspectives and purpose essential for any deeper understanding of the soul of the American nation.

#1260186 in Books Bloomsbury Academic 2013-02-28 2013-02-28Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 .34 x .3 x 5.52l; .70 #File Name: 1441136460224 pages

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. A great textbook for the fieldBy Mike CarpenterHanegraaff's work is an excellent beginning textbook for anyone wanting to become acquainted with the field of esotericism. By the nature of subject matter; it has to cover a wide field with a polyglot literature in what seems to this reviewer to be an insufficient number of pages. But it is a beginner's textbook. As one who has a reasonable command of the literature in French on the subject; I was; of course; aware of a few gaps in the coverage. But it is a beginning textbook. Hanegraaff wisely points out gaps in the literature; especially with respect to early twentieth century occultism; especially relating to Papus; de Guaita; and others of the same generation. As to the utility of the book; I suggest that it is the equal of the latest edition of Antoine Faivre's *L'ésotérisme (Que sais-je ?)* and some of the works of Joscelyn Godwin. If you're interested in this field; you really need to read Hanegraaff's book. I cannot write highly enough of it.3 of 5 people found the following review helpful. review and suggested authorBy Patrizia TrottaThis book is great for putting into order and context one's accumulated knowledge in the field! not all the amount of detail might be of interest to a general reader; but it is certainly great for academics! Another academic author I would highly recommend because more approachable and readable is J. Godwin; especially The golden thread.5 of 7 people found the following review helpful. One of the few experts in this fieldBy Paul GiurlandaHanegraaff is the man. This is exactly what is says. If you're interested in a scholarly review of esotericism in the West; you can't go wrong with this.

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