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Warrant for Genocide: The Myth of the Jewish World Conspiracy and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion

ebooks Warrant for Genocide: The Myth of the Jewish World Conspiracy and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion by Norman Cohn in History


This is the story of the remarkable Tom Crean who ran away to sea aged fifteen and played a memorable role in Antarctic exploration. He spent more time in the unexplored Antarctic than Scott or Shackleton; and was one of the few to serve and outlive both. An unforgettable story of triumph over unparalleled hardship and deprivation

#504774 in Books 2006-04-01Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 .75 x 5.50 x 8.60l; .85 #File Name: 1897959494312 pages

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five StarsBy HVJQuite a book! Hard stuff to believe actually did take place12 of 16 people found the following review helpful. Required reading for our timeBy Werner CohnThe New York Times of October 26; 2002 tells us; in a front-page story; that "Anti-Semitic 'Elders of Zion' Gets New Life on Egypt TV." So now; almost 60 years after the downfall of Hitler; his favorite book and his favorite mania are once more resurrected. What to do ? The first thing surely is to consult the most scholarly study of the topic; by a namesake of mine (but no relative). I first purchased this volume in a Pelican edition back in 1976. Since then I have read much on the notorious "Protocols;" but nothing else can compare to this outstanding treatment by one of the great historians on the 20th century.38 of 47 people found the following review helpful. One excellente book.By A CustomerThis book is more than a simple history about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion; it is a very interesting way to understand how fanatics and crazy men move peoples and countries to hate and kill another people. The title of this book is very explicit : " Warrant for Genocide ".The exposition of the book is very clear; from first times of cristianism when the antisemitism started to our days; when still today groups of new nazis or fascists ; including Ku-Klux-Klan and skin heads ; believe in one imaginary " secret jewish world government ". Nietzsche wrotte :" But the clown imagen of these sick spirits; of these paranoic of ideas; influences over the mass. Humanity prefers see stupids faces rather than to hear reasons ". Great !!!; Nietzsche wrotte this 50 years before Hitler spechees.Precisally Protocols of the Elders of Zion are a perfect example about how supertision; fanatism; no tolerance; can influence to people to kill or at least to be partner of the crime. Today we know that even Catholic Chruch cooperate with nazis and keep a ciminal silence about all the germans crimes. And the cristian bases of antisemitism; is more clear reading this book; in fact; the first " discover " of Protocols of the Elders of Zion was Sergey A. Nilus; a cristian priest.One of the principals points of view of this book is how people don`t think; don`t analize; don`t see; people just " believe " in a blind way. For exampe; was stupid the nazi believing that Elders of Zion cause the First World War and the germany defeat; this war was a product of complex socials; economic and politics conditions. But fanatics don`t understand real causes. Or to say that Russian Revolution was " moved " by jewish people; in reality jewish people suferred under comunist government and Soviet Union allways helped to arab nations trying to destroy Israel. Stalin himself ordered to kill jewish revolutionaries like Trosty. But we return to beginning " Humanity prefers see stupids faces rather than to hear reasons ".Finally; my advice is not just read; is to study this amazing book. THIS BOOK IS A MEDICINE AGAINST FANATISM .Please excuse my wrong writting of English; regards

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