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WITNESS: Voices from the Holocaust

ebooks WITNESS: Voices from the Holocaust by Joshua M. Greene; Shiva Kumar in History


Kareem Abdul-Jabbar examines the lives of heroic African-Americans and offers their stories as inspiring examples for people who too rarely encounter positive role models in history texts; schoolrooms; and the media. From Revolutionary War heroes like Crispus Attucks to antislavery activist Frederick Douglass; from frontiersmen like Bass Reeves to scientist Lewis Latimer and artist Duke Ellington; Black Profiles in Courage forcefully documents that African-Americans have always been an integral part of the fabric of our nation; and that they helped to weave that fabric.

#1100381 in Books Free Press 2001-04-03 2001-04-03Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 8.44 x .80 x 5.50l; .60 #File Name: 0684865262304 pages

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Voices of the victimizedBy Patricia L. MattisonThis collection of accounts by some of the victims is a "must include" in reading about the systematic murder of millions of Jews and others in Europe by Hitler's Nazis and his allies. Lawrence Langer's Foreward helps explain some of the reasons of how and why all of the European Jews did not know what was going to happen to them. The witnesses own accounts add further explanation of the terrors they lived and so many died through.As Langer states; "The Germans left archives of material that help us to understand how a bureaucracy of death was organized and transformed into a killing process...." However; there are no accounts by the Europeans themselves--the regular; everyday people--who willingly assisted the bureaucracy carry out the systematic annihilation of their neighbors; friends; co-workers.How did once-decent; educated; religious people turn into cruel; greedy; murderous fiends who turned in Jews; stole their property; and denied them help in escaping the Holocaust?This collection of accounts by the victims is a "must include" in reading about the imprisonment and murder of millions of Jews and others in Europe by Hitler's Nazis and his allies and the European people themselves. I recommend this book as an addition to the other books you have and should read about Hitler's Nazi Europe; World War II; and the murder of over six million Jews and over 12 million others.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. First-hand accounts...By A readerThis book is a collection of individual experiences and instances that took place during the Holocaust. I think when people refer to the Holocaust; their description of the events that took place were no doubt horrible; but usually very vague; genocide; gas chambers; forced labor...but what exactly did each person see?? What were they eyewitness to? This book gives detailed person to person first-hand accounts of some of the worst days; or minutes of their life that they were forced to endure. Although this book was heartbreaking and difficult to read at times; I still couldn't help but recognize that this book was based on only a handful of interviews and painful testimonies of holocaust survivors. It ony made me think that for every story I heard there are literally millions of other stories unaccounted for that we will never know. It's important to understand other people's pain; feel compassion; and appreciate what we have in our lives. This book will make the reader understand that not only were these people affected by the sufferings and cruel treatment during WWII but they carried their pain; burden; and even sometimes guilt with them throughout the rest of their lives.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. emotional but excellent read!By N. SpruillThis book is one that drew me in! I really enjoyed this book; from beginning to end. It covers many young people; their struggles from the beginning from the war to their end-either by their release or their untimely demise by nazi soldiers. The story gives many perspectives; with photos; and gives other information (the individuals' stories do not end at the finish of a sentence) This book did make me tear up from time to time; so you may need a box of tissues; but its hard not to get attached to the writers of this trip back into the genicide of WW2.

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