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Unintended Consequences: The United States at War

PDF Unintended Consequences: The United States at War by Kenneth J. Hagan; Ian J. Bickerton in History


• A collection of earth-centered meditations to enhance our connection to the natural world. • Reveals the Old Wisdom of the Cherokee elders for living in harmony with all beings. • Written by J. T. Garrett; of the Eastern Band of Cherokee; who was taught the ancient ways by his grandfather and other medicine men of his tribe. In a time before ours; humans could talk with animals; hear whisperings from plant life; and understand the origin stories written in the stars. Survival depended on active kinship with family and tribe; with four-leggeds and plant people; with sun and moon and fire. The Cherokee; known widely as the Principal People or the First People; hold a deeply tapestried collection of stories about human interrelatedness with nature. Those stories; passed down through countless generations of Cherokee; are especially significant at this time in human history; when Mother Earth suffers under the weight of unchecked "progress." As a boy; J. T. Garrett sat beside his grandfather and the other medicine men of his tribe as they chanted and drummed the stories of his ancestry. From those stories of Nu-Dah (the Sun); Grandmother Moon; Spring Rain; and Little Eagle comes this collection of active meditations for reconnecting with the natural intelligence that is our birthright. Recognizing that we are all kin in the Universal Circle of life opens us to communication with all beings; bringing us back to our natural spirit selves. If we listen carefully to the Cherokee stories of the Old Ways we can gain understanding of lost social and spiritual traditions that can help ensure a thriving future.

#2448077 in Books Reaktion Books 2007-03-14Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.00 x .90 x 6.00l; 1.09 #File Name: 1861893108224 pages

2 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Strong Buy; Simplistic but FocusedBy Robert David STEELE VivasI think enough of this book by Hagan and Bickerton; both; significantly; respected professors in the US military war college system; to recommend it very strongly. It is simplistic; but in combination with the books I list below; it is quite striking.Key points:1. Wars have consequences; not only in the defeated region; but within the USA where the national and regional cultures (Nine Nations) can be conflicted.2. War *alters* policy for all future generations.3. America's wars have been engines of economic growth; but the authors fail to observe that the rich benefit while the poor die.4. The post-war period is a continuation of the war and cannot be ignored. Both explicitly and implicitly; they crucify Cheney; Rumsfeld; Wolfowitz; and Feith.5. In every single case; the outcome of the war has been "far removed" from the stated objectives.6. Each war brings with it repressive measures against those who dissent. I am reminded of Valley Girl Condi Rice suggesting that General Tony Zinni was a "traitor" for saying the idea of invading Iraq was idiocy. How now; cow?7. War tends to loosen the bonds of traditional authority and undermine community.8. Across our history; not just at our inception; Native Americans have lost big. Genocide was not only perpetuated in the wars of independence; but after the Civil War; when the US Army practices scorched earth war.9. The most importance consequence of the war of 1812 was it total lack of achievement of ANY of its goals; together with an accentuation of sectional differences within the USA.10. On page 47: "Enhanced chauvinism; ambitious jingoism; and patriotism [per Samuel Johnson; the last refuge of the scoundrel] were unintended consequences of the war. The slave trade continued.11. The Indian Wars were deliberately genocidal.12. In general; in its first hundred years; the USA was a belligerent against Canada; Mexico; and the Indian Nations.13. The war on Mexico caused long-term host8ility and led to the civil war by aggravating differences between North and South (and one might add; Texas as the largest ego in the West). The war on Mexico was mostly fought and led by the South.14. The Civil War was America's first ideological war.15. The Emancipation Proclamation applied only to slaves in hostile states; not to Northern states.16. Civil War extended the power of the Federal Government; which increasingly sold the American people out to special interests including European banks.17. The authors provide a *fascinating* description of Abraham Lincoln's unprecedented abuse of presidential powers; including the suspension of habeas corpus; and I can now understand why "W" thinks he is following greatness by turning America into a police state.18. Civil War introduced total annihilation (scorched earth) as an American "war of war."19. Spanish-American-Cuban-Filipino war is; in the author's view; most similar to the Iraq war in terms of the mendacity preceding and the insurrections following.20. WWI; WWII; and the Cold War are discussed in terms that show the US to have been the more belligerent. Stalin learned not to trust the US; and this led to the ideological stand-off and the emergency of "fantasy war."21. In Korea; General McArthur exceeded his authority; the Chinese warned the US via an Indian who was blown off; and the game was on.22. The US concurrence in the restoration of the French in Indochina (now Viet-Nam); and the conflicts that Johnson had in having to support being a hawk on Viet-Nam in order to have his "Great Society;" are covered.23. The authors are *brutal* on the Bush Family; to the point that one is inspired to think of a lunatic asylum as the natural resting place for the whole lot of them.24. According to the authors; Iraq is a "phony war" in every sense of the word except the casualties.25. Iran is not in the index but the authors observe that US pressure on Syria to withdraw from Lebanon opened the door for Iran.Bottom line: going to war does not solve problems; it creates more of them. The authors conclude that war is both folly and futile. I agree.All Americans have a choice in 2008: they can continue business as usual; with the corrupt and inept Republican and Democratic "machines" that are "running on empty" and totally beholden to Wall Street; or Americans can reassert the fact that this is a Republic and the government as a whole can be fired for cause. See the books listed below. May God have mercy on our souls. It's time we started living up to our sacred responsibility as citizen-warriors; as Minutemen.The authors lose one star to simplicty and an avoidance of both the intelligence availabale but ignored; and lack of couinter-vailing forces (e.g. Congress and the media inevitably fall for the Executive deceptions).American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On AmericaThe Nine Nations of North AmericaNone So Blind: A Personal Account of the Intelligence Failure in VietnamRunning on Empty: How the Democratic and Republican Parties Are Bankrupting Our Future and What Americans Can Do About ItThe Sorrows of Empire: Militarism; Secrecy; and the End of the Republic (The American Empire Project)The American Way of War: A History of United States Military Strategy and PolicyThe Fifty-Year Wound: How America's Cold War Victory Has Shaped Our WorldThe Unconquerable World: Power; Nonviolence; and the Will of the PeopleWar Is a Racket: The Anti-War Classic by America's Most Decorated General; Two Other Anti=Interventionist Tracts; and Photographs from the Horror of ItWho the Hell Are We Fighting?: The Story of Sam Adams and the Vietnam Intelligence Wars3 of 4 people found the following review helpful. Why we do silly; sad thingsBy J. CzarneckiThe timing of this book is exceptional. In the policy making malaise of the "Long War;" people look for scapegoats; for blame; for excuses; and sometimes for real reasons why "things" - my jargon for foreign and national security policy escapades - go awry; particularly for the United States and particularly in current times. Whether it be Somalia or Haiti; Afghanistan or Iraq; US foreign and national security policies and actions have fallen far short of achieving their estimable goals. Bickerton and Hagan now demonstrate to us that this always has been the way of foreign and national security policy with the US.Their book uses historical analysis in the most classic of ways to prove their point; that point being that every - yes; every - American war has had unintended consequences that far outweigh the intended purposes of the war. Beginning with their superb analysis of the Revolutionary War; they point out that this enduring aspect of American foreign and national security policy is a result of our structural form of government; a representative democracy; coupled with the political behavior that has political leaders oversell the goals and demonize the would-be opponents.This book is controversial. Readers looking for comfortable; pat answers to our current problems will find none. In fact; Bickerton and Hagan always recommend dipomacy over the military instrument of national power. However; that may indeed prove antithetical to the American character that demands decisive action immediately. And therein lies the true tragedy described in their book: paraphrasing the old Greek dramatist; Aeschylus; the American eagle ends up being shot with arrows made of its own feathers.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. One StarBy Karen L. LebronI don't know who ordered this book; I didn't

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