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Underground Railroad in Pennsylvania

DOC Underground Railroad in Pennsylvania by William J. Switala in History


We went into the fight with 386; all told--358 guns. Every pioneer and musician who would carry a musket went into the ranks. Even the sick and footsore; who could not keep up in the march; came up as soon as they could find their regiments; and took their places in line of battle; while it was battle; indeed. --Col. Joshua Chamberlain The fascinating story of Joshua Chamberlain and his volunteer regiment; the Twentieth Maine; is reprinted with a new foreword by Civil War historian and UCLA professor Joan Waugh. Pullen's classic and highly acclaimed book tells how Chamberlain and his men fought at Antietam; Fredericksburg; and Chancellorsville on their way to the pivotal battle of Gettysburg. There; on July 2; 1863; at Little Round Top; they heroically saved the left flank of the Union battle line. The Twentieth Maine's remarkable story ends with the surrender of Lee's troops at Appomattox.Considered by Civil War historians to be one of the best regimental histories ever written; this beloved standard of American history is now available in a new Stackpole edition. Includes maps; photographs; and drawings from the original edition.

#1691197 in Books 2001-02-10Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 .67 x 6.00 x 9.03l; .74 #File Name: 0811716295224 pages

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. More Territory to Cover...By CustomerThere is still more to be researched and written about the Underground Railroad in Pennsylvania. The east of the Susquehanna the documentation covers events well. But west of the Susquehanna; through the centre of the Commonwealth to the Juniata Valley accounts are spare; yet; there are accounts of a network that followed the Great Road from Chambersburg to the the Juniata Valley and the Pennsylvania Canal that allowed those escaping both slavery and oppression access to freedom. Even the assistance to Owen Brown; son of John Brown; after the Harpers' Ferry Raid up through the Shenandoah Valley's extreme northern extension to south central Pennsylvania. This work and that of Charles L. Blockson still have additional geography to include for the Underground Railroad in Pennsylvania. [George John Drobnock]0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. An extremely useful resource with maps and descriptionsBy Jill SimAn extremely useful resource with maps and descriptions; examining specific regional routes of Pennsylvania Underground Railroad activity. Also includes short biographies of notable people along the way; often using letters written about and by the actors working within the system. Readers get a good grasp of the specific geographies involved; as well as a feel for mid-century period attitudes; and come to admire and marvel at the courage and selfless of the people who operated the "depots" and "stations" and who ran fugitives to freedom during dangerous times. A really stellar; beautifully-researched work; written in tight; clear; prose; that uncovers hidden histories and locations of remarkable people working together in the name of freedom.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Pennsylvania-philes will love it!By citoyenHaving just read a number of books pertaining to the issue of Slavery; the Underground Railroad; Lincoln; and the Civil War; I anticipated that this book would be rife with anecdotal stories of how African-Americans escaped the bonds of Slavery and successfully established new lives as free people. While there are occasional stories of that nature in this book; the book is more like an almanac of Underground Railroad actual routes in Pennsylvania; describing in detail the many "entrance" and "exit" routes to towns; sanctuaries; and Underground Railroad "stations". If the reader is a Pennsylvanian; intimately familiar with the "spider web" of roads and rivers located in that state; this is the book to read! As a non-Pennsylvanian who has only transited Pennsylvania on occasion; however; I've skipped over a great many of the technical descriptions in search of the desired human stories.

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