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Truth and Transformation: A Manifesto for Ailing Nations

DOC Truth and Transformation: A Manifesto for Ailing Nations by Vishal Mangalwadi in History


This country's largest military aircraft storage center began in the heady days following the end of World War II. At first only a small desert site holding bombers and transports in reserve for possible future use; it later became more of a salvage and parts recovery operation; and in many cases; a final resting place known as "the boneyard". In the 1950s and 1960s; with new wars erupting in Korea and Vietnam; certain aircraft stored in this desert center were once again in demand; and this famed storage and salvage facility in Tucson; Arizona; answered the call. Numerous photographs taken both from the air and on the ground show the reader vistas of the 4;000 total airplanes stored at this site; while a detailed appendix gives a comprehensive listing of all the aircraft types currently at AMARG (Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group). In many cases; the numbers are quite staggering and are sure to surprise the reader.

#744614 in Books 2009-07-01Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 8.90 x .90 x 6.00l; .95 #File Name: 1576585123320 pages

34 of 35 people found the following review helpful. IDEAS HAVE CONSEQUENCES!!By Loves To ReadMatthew Parris is quoted as saying; "As an atheist; I truly believe Africa needs God. Missionaries; not aid money; are the solution to Africa's biggest problem-the crushing passivity of the people's mindset...A whole belief system must... be supplanted by another." He recognizes; as does the author; that worldviews do matter. If you believe the River Ganges is a god; you will treat it much differently than people who believe the rivers are to be used to benefit humans and will harness its powers for productive uses. A society that believes marriage is a life long commitment will treat women differently than a society that believes marriage is for the convenience and benefit of the male only and that; if not satisfactory for him; can just opt out or find pleasure outside marriage or with an additional wife. While not painting Western culture with a rose-colored brush; these and many other worldviews based on the Bible are what have distinguished America from Eastern cultures; particularly India; the authors homeland. The author is warning the West that the Biblical values that were the foundation of so many of the great achievements are now being abandoned in favor of Eastern-based values which have already proven to be bankrupt. It would be easy to see this as a conservative; political call to 'reclaim America for Christ'. It is not that at all. It is an intellectual challenge written by someone who believes that the Bible influences all areas of life and that Christians are called to redeem every area of culture; that Christianity is NOT simply about 'getting saved and waiting for the rapture to take us out of this vale of tears' but is about coming to the marketplace of ideas in a pluralistic society and presenting the truth of the Bible as the foundation for transforming all of culture and doing it as servants not as fanatics with the Bible as a weapon. The truths of the Bible can stand on their own when compared to other worldviews when presented correctly and with a humble spirit. This is not light reading but is very readable for the serious lay person. If you are not convinced of the truth of the Bible; I would encourage you to read it and respond with the same kind of serious thinking as the author. If you are already convinced of the validity of Scripture; then I encourage you to read it and use it to make a difference. Perhaps this will elevate some of the conversation about the direction of our country that we so often hear on talk shows to truly serious and productive conversation. The future of our nation and culture may very well depend on it.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Highly recommended and well written !!By Andrew CronanFabulous book - well written and well thought out exposition of how living in accordance with truth can utterly transform a culture. He has written other books on other aspects of this topic - one on WIlliam Carey; who; by living out a life in accordance with truth; was a huge agent of change in India - helping bring an end to the burning of widows at their husbands death; and fostering a sense that people could bring change that would improve their futures and those of their families. Seeing an interest in astrology; he taught astronomy - he also taught agricultural methods to improve crop yields; and translated the Bible into 6 languages. This book wonderfully illuminates the power of living in accordance with truth to improve lives and raise the quality of life for people in their own cultural setting. Highly recommended0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five StarsBy Naomi F. ChavezAn extremely thought provoking book that will certainly challenge you to rethink your part in the Kingdom of God..

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