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The Tibetans: A Struggle to Survive

PDF The Tibetans: A Struggle to Survive by Steve Lehman in History


This book explores ancient Egypt's feminine anointing mysteries and how these are reflected in both royal art and ritual life. It also traces their subsequent influence in early Christianity. This means there are five broad audiences for the book in addition to those interested in Egyptology; ancient history and archaeology. Religion - the book provides new insights in religion and mythology. It includes a detailed study of the New Year ritual of anointing the pharaoh; so it will appeal to readers interested in ritual and ancient mysteries. As a discussion of the oldest known African religion it is also relevant to black history. Women's Studies - the book carefully elucidates the place of feminine divinity and the Egyptian queen in these anointing mysteries. Emphasising the crucial role of the feminine in Egyptian ritual life; it gives a new perspective on women's theology and women's history.Early Christianity - the book traces the influence of the Egyptian New Year rites in the Christian anointing mysteries; as recorded both in the canonical gospels and the alchemically inspired Gospel of Philip from the Nag Hammadi Library. It is therefore relevant to readers interested in early Christianity; Christian sacramentalism and the Nag Hammadi writings. Alchemy and Hermeticism - the book's study of the relationship between early Christianity; Graeco-Egyptian alchemy and Hermeticism will interest those drawn to early esoteric traditions. Fine Arts - the book will also appeal to readers interested in a history; since it gives a high priority to visual images for understanding Egyptian religion. It includes many striking colour illustrations; which are closely Integrated within the text.

#3698589 in Books Twin Palms Publishers 1998-11-01Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 .91 x 9.39 x 10.18l; #File Name: 0944092659200 pages

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. The Tibetans: A Struggle to SurviveBy Gale B. GardinerMany thanks to Steve Lehman for helping the world better understand the oppression in Tibet for many decades; sadly ongoing. Robert Barnett's historical summary/perspective compliments well. With great compassion success Mr. Lehman balances the power of photographs with the wonder of words from the very people in them /or culturally relevant events surrounding them. His respect for people land is evident throughout his decade sharing multimedia skills in photojournalism; sociology anthropology to convey their plight. His genius captures images that 'shock awe' his authentic commitment to the Tibetan passion for freedom keeps his own visage from this amazing work of both art humanity. He is the epitome of 'the good Samaritan'; not hesitating to put himself in danger responding to Tibetans' plea to share with the world their struggle to survive. It is a humbling experience to travel through this book 'with' Mr. Lehman. More than 10 yrs in print; my hope is this classic will continue to ignite compassion /or activism for Tibet ( maybe other oppressed countries) in all who share the journey; as it has done for me.13 of 14 people found the following review helpful. Courageous and Heart-BreakingBy LI have just returned from seeing Steve Lehman's exhibition of photographs from Tibet at the Newseum/NY- PLEASE GO SEE THIS SHOW IF YOU CAN!!! I stood before some of the most touching and moving color; black and white photographs and collages with tears running down my face at the inhumanity and humanity of the disgusting situation in Tibet. How can the United States and other so-called free nations stand back and allow this foul occupation continue to take place? Not only is the culture; religion; architecture; forests; etc. of Tibet being decimated but MOST IMPORTANTLY her people are being mass murdered; tortured and ignored by the "powers that be." (The setting of the show was wonderful also with thankgas; prayer wheels and other Tibetan objects. It was also incredible to be surrounded by all the photographs in one fell swoop.) I was particularly struck by the personal; hand-written descriptions on the photographs which made them even more immediate. One could really feel for the peaceful protestors who were subsequently imprisoned and tortured. I searched their faces and was mesmerized and thought about what each person's life was like now. Even if you cannot stand before the pictures; be surrounded by the injustice of it all; do obtain the book and see for yourself. This is photo-journalism at its finest and most poignant.Mr. Lehman's photographs give ample illustration that more needs to be done to help the Tibetans and now!5 of 6 people found the following review helpful. excellentBy A Customeri just wanted to say how incredible i thought this book is. the layout and design really highlights the power of the photos. perhaps most important; the book allows the reader/viewer to gain some insight into the complexities of the tibetan situation. the author's passion for the people and culture there is profoundly moving.sue simon

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