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The Sutton Hoo Ship Burial

audiobook The Sutton Hoo Ship Burial by Rupert Bruce-Mitford in History


Commissioned during Britain’s golden age for expeditions to chart the Zambesi river for minerals and trade; David Livingstone left England in 1858 for what is today Zimbabwe and discovered an area whose sharp contrast between misery and natural beauty bewitched him. Outraged by the racial injustice he found during the eight-year expedition; Livingstone wrote this gripping account in a refreshingly contemporary style. Worthy of the best writers of the time; the book was an instant success and turned him into one of Britain's most famous public persona.

#9573584 in Books 1983-12Format: ImportOriginal language:English #File Name: 0714113484544 pages

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five StarsBy canappleGreat old book5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. Sutton Hoo Ship BurialBy Richard LobinskeThis three volume set is the premier publication on this archeological find. The authors systematically describe the process of the dig; the recovery and reconstruction of almost all of the material from the burial; plus a significant amount of cultural analysis. Highly recommended

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