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The Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln (Classic Reprint)

PDF The Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln (Classic Reprint) by Burke McCarty in History


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#201213 in Books McCarty Burke 2017-10-12Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.02 x .58 x 5.98l; .83 #File Name: 1331489938278 pagesThe Suppressed Truth about the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln Classic Reprint

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. What a surprise! Are we ever taught the truth ...By Nickie ShasteenWhat a surprise! Are we ever taught the truth. Shortly after reading this book; I read Fifty Years in the Church of Rome by Charles Chiniquy which supported the TRUTH written about Lincoln's assassination. You should read both books; Chiniquy's book first for the overall picture; and The Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln second for the details.3 of 4 people found the following review helpful. An excellent book. A must readBy HeavyElectronicsBuyerAll I can say; is 'wow'. This book contains so much information that is not mentioned by any of the so-called history 'experts'. As someone who was raised catholic; until I investigated the true history of the vatican when I was in my 20s; and realized that it is truly a cult; and more likely worships satan and lucifer (just check out all the luciferian imagery in the vatican; never mind their history of child abuse; selling of 'sin relief' to the elite...the vatican is an evil organization; and one of the richest organizations in the world); I knew that the vatican has a sordid history; as well as a current one.But I had no idea how involved they were in the assassination of Lincoln. And I'm telling you; though we can never know the specifics; the FACTS that almost all (if not all) of the conspirators were catholic; that Suratt was aided in his escape to Canada and Europe by numerous priests and jesuits; and was FOUND in the employ of the vatican's army 6 months after the assassination; only to be warned that he'd been found out by SOMEONE in the vatican; and then finally captured. And to come back to the USA and though he is penniless; have one of the most powerful law firms (that just happened to do a lot of work for the diocese in nyc) represent him through TWO LONG TRIALS; where the juries were filled with enough catholics that there was no way he would ever be convicted. Which is what happened. Two trials. Two hung juries. So this killer of one of the greatest US presidents that ever lived; was allowed to live his life until he finally died in 1916; a rich man; and the 'auditor' of a large financial institution. What a coincidence...he managed to find work for a large bank! Gee; guess the fact that Lincoln printed all those greenbacks; instead of borrowing any money from the rothschilds and the large int'l banks ticked off these people; eh?And the vatican had already made it clear that it hated the republic of the USA. The vatican was the FIRST country (at the time they still held part of Italy in it's nefarious hold) to recognize the confederacy.All I can say is I certainly hope that all the jesuits get their just karma....because this book proves that there is a lot more behind what happened in the assassination than you currently know and/or think.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. This a great book about the assassination of our beloved President Abraham ...By Emory SimsThis a great book about the assassination of our beloved President Abraham Lincoln. Many people don't know that the Roman Cathodic Church was involved behind the scenes of the Civil War supporting and backing the southern confederate army and that many of the confederate leaders of were Roman Catholic. They need to teach and include this knowledge of history in our public schools so that people can wake up to who is undermining the freedoms and liberty that we enjoy as a free nation.

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