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The Savage Storm: Britain on the Brink in the Age of Napoleon (Hardback) - Common

audiobook The Savage Storm: Britain on the Brink in the Age of Napoleon (Hardback) - Common by (author) David Andress in History


The German Police were an essential arm of the Nazi regime; as soon as Hitler achieved power the previous decentralized provincial system was unified into a single state apparatus; integrated at the command levels with the SS. While it may have been centrally controlled; it was still separated into a bewildering range of different departments and functions; many with their own uniform distinctions. This book offers a concise introduction to the organization; responsibilities; uniforms and insignia of the various branches of this machinery of repression; from Police generals to rural constables; transport policemen and factory watchmen.

2013 #File Name: B00FDV9P2U448 pages


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