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The Road to Rivoli: Napoleon's First Campaign

DOC The Road to Rivoli: Napoleon's First Campaign by Martin Boycott-Brown in History


This volume unites two classic Civil War campaign studies by the foremost southern historian of the immediate postwar era: History of the Campaign of Gen. T. J. (Stonewall) Jackson in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia and The Army of Northern Virginia in 1862. Together they comprise a brilliant; breathtaking chronicle of the high tide of the Confederacy in 1862: Jackson's dazzling generalship in the Valley Campaign; Lee's bold offensive during the Seven Days Battle; the stunning Confederate victory at Second Manassas; Lee's decision to carry the war to enemy territory; the capture of Harper's Ferry; the bitterly fought Battle of Sharpsburg; and the bloody; humiliating Federal defeat at Fredericksburg.

#1136347 in Books 2001-06-30Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 2.11 x 6.54 x 9.56l; #File Name: 0304353051560 pages

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Dont Pass This Up!By Loving Life MoreFinally a great book on the 1796 war in Northern Italy that covers the entire campaign. Each section of the campaign from the fighting through the Ligurian Alps to the plains of Piedmont and onward is covered. While the order of battle info was a tad weak I found that the book was more than just the average narrative found for this campaign.A must have for any Napoleonic fan or anyone interested in the stark differences in Bonaparte's style of waging war and that of his antiquated adversaries the Austrians.3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Gold Standard of the 1796-7 Italian CampaignBy David J. MaschekIn "The Road to Rivoli: Napoleon's First Campaign;" author Martin Boycott-Brown has written a splendid English-language history of Napoleon Bonaparte's 1796-1797 campaign in Italy. Many accounts exist of the war in Italy - David Chandler's classic "The Campaigns of Napoleon" comes to mind - but they are often parts of broader histories and therefore can only mention the key events. In his narrative of events from the battle of Montenotte in April 1796 to the surrender of Mantua in February 1797; including the crucial battle of Rivoli; Boycott-Brown offers up the rich detail that the other histories leave out. Did you know that secret instructions to Austrian commander Johann Beaulieu prevented him from fully cooperating with his personal friend Michelangelo Colli; who led the Sardinian army? Not only are the actions of division and army commanders like Massena; Augereau; Wurmser; and Alvinczi recalled; but so are those of otherwise obscure generals and colonels who followed the orders of Bonaparte and the three Austrian army commanders he faced. Do you know the parts played by Frenchmen Joubert; Sauret; Vaubois; Guieu; or Austrians Rukavina; Vukassovich; Mittrovsky; and Reuss? The author often provides day-by-day and even hour-by-hour accounts; not only of the battles; but the smaller skirmishes and marches that led to Bonaparte's victories over his Austrian and Sardinian opponents. Boycott-Brown gives orders of battle; strength returns; and casualty reports for battles at critical historical moments. This book belongs in the library of any serious student of Napoleon.5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. Napoleon's Star RisesBy Marco Antonio AbarcaIt is early Spring 1796; a novice general takes command of the Army of Italy. The Army is hungry; poorly clothed and dispirited. The French are barely hanging onto their foothold on the Italian Riviera. Within little more than a year; the Army of Italy will knock Piedmont out of the War; chase the Austrian Army across Northern Italy; repulse four determined counter-attacks; seize the fortress of Mantua; march up into the Tyrol; threaten Vienna and force the Austrians out of the War! What an amazing first campaign. Some of Napoleon's later campaigns may be more famous but no campaign is more dramatic.Martin Boycott-Brown has done a favor to the English language world by publishing the first comprehensive account of that campaign to come out in many decades. The hardback version is 526 pages long and is filled with the type of obscure detail that enthusiasts of military history love. Earlier reviewers are correct when they note that book's maps are of poor quality. However; if someone is going to be reading a detailed campaign book about the 1786-7 Italian campaign; they are more likely than not to already have many other Napoleonic history books that can be used to supplement this book's maps.The appeal of this book is to see Napoleon at the beginning of his career. This is his first campaign and as to be expected things do not always go according to plan. It is a pleasure to see Napoleon's military genius at its real birth. In addition; many of the great characters that are to become important in Napoleon's story are present in these early days. Massena; Berthier; Murat; Lannes and Augereau all enter history's stage in this campaign.If I have one crticism of this book it is that Martin Boycott-Brown is so earnest and determined to accurately describe this campaign. Drama is often sacrificed for detail. Fortunately; now that the essential details have been nailed down; another writer with the novelist's gift for drama and turn of phrase will come and tell this amazing story in a more lyrical manner.

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