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The Reapers Line: Life and Death on the Mexican Border

ebooks The Reapers Line: Life and Death on the Mexican Border by Lee Morgan II in History


In 2006; Rabbi Brant Rosen launched a blog called Shalom Rav; in which he reflected on various social-justice issues. In 2008; Israel launched a harsh attack against Gaza―and caused Rosen to deeply question his lifelong liberal Zionism. Unlike the biblical Jacob; who wrestled with his conscience in the dark of night; Rabbi Rosen chose to "wrestle in the daylight"; which he did through many deep; thoughtful interactions on his blog. In Wrestling in the Daylight

#262229 in Books 2011-04-18Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.00 x 1.20 x 6.10l; 1.54 #File Name: 1933855576528 pages

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. An excellent readBy Thomas S. KarabatsosThe title; The Reaper Line: Life and Death on the Mexican Border; is a very true description of what is to follow. As you read this book you will understand why the Arizona border area hasn't changed much over the last 100 plus years. It also highlights another government bureaucracy; where the people in Washington don't have a clue of what is truly going on. It gave me a sense of pride that there are still people; who despite numerous handicaps put in place by bureaucrats; put their life on the line everyday to make us safer. It also raises some great questions on the drug wars and immigration reform. I am sure some people will be put off by the language used by the author or some of the descriptions of events by the author; but a violent place shouldn't be sugar coated. The Reaper's Line made me sad for many people (law enforcement agents; the border residents and also the illegal immigrants); but it also made me mad at many (the ineffective Washington bureaucracy; the corrupt Mexican government officials). It seems that Washington isn't trying to fight this war to win it. Wow; what a revelation. It is about votes and re-elections; never mind the waste of tax-payer money or the people getting killed on both sides of the line. I would recommend reading this book and then see if your views of the immigrations laws; that the State of Arizona passed; changes.5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. Lee Morgan's LineBy S. A. RickmanReading this book is like having Lee Morgan II in your face. It's like listening to a monologue from some guy in a blue-collar bar. After two or three beers; he's throwing bottles and banging his fist on the table; and you're nodding and smiling and eyeing the door. Only you don't leave because you've just got to hear where the story's going.This collection of war stories and rants from Morgan's years as a federal agent on the Mexican border is served up in the finest southern good ol' boy style. Redman is the chew to calm your nerves before the stuff hits the fan; and the stuff is said to hit the fan too many times to count. But if the raunchy style doesn't put you off; the book offers a unique inside look at our undeclared border war with Mexico and the people who are fighting it.There is bitterness in this book; and it's no big surprise when Morgan reveals that he was forced into retirement from Immigration and Customs Enforcement. He was "put out to pasture" for outspokenly opposing cooperation with the Border Patrol; which he claims is "one of the most corrupt law enforcement agencies in existence."But it's not just his former bosses who are the targets of Morgan's wrath. He rails at the REMFs (Rear-Echelon so-and-so's) who deprive field agents of the weapons and equipment they need and impose asinine rules that hamstring field operations. He sneers at the cynicism of national politicians who certify the Mexican government as a partner in the war on drugs and require the border services to provide Mexican officials with the names of confidential informants in Mexico. But he reserves his heaviest artillery for the Mexican government; dope smugglers; human traffickers; corrupt agents; and redneck border vigilantes.Morgan names names; accusing scores of people; including mayors; judges; governors; and presidents; of everything from ineptness to outright corruption. About the only people that escape his flames are migrant workers; with whom he sympathizes; and his fellow field agents - the honest ones; that is.The war stories are mostly rip-roaring action tales. There are enough gun; knife; and fist fights; wild car chases and crashes to make a Steven Seagal movie. There are tortured bodies cropping up in shallow graves; psycho killers; smuggled AK-47's; booby-trapped tunnels; and buried explosives. Reader discretion advised: content might not be suitable for intellectuals and wimps.Some of the stories dealing with migrant workers are sad. A few stories are eccentrically funny; like the time Morgan drew down on Jimmy Stewart with a shotgun; and then apologized in a self-mocking parody of a southern drawl. You get the feeling the stories are embellished to make good tales; but that's all right. That's how it is with war stories.There are no maps in this book. Also; there are no footnotes; no list of sources; bibliograpy; index; photos; or acknowledgements. If you're looking for the kind of balanced; well-researched and documented reportage Bob Woodward or Mark Bowden would do; you won't find it here. What you got here is Lee Morgan; in your face; the man telling you how he sees it; banging on the table. You smile and nod and stay in your seat because you want to see where he's going with it.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. A factual insight into a serious problemBy G. McleodLiving within ten miles of the border with Mexico; this work by Mr. Morgan simply reinforces what I already know and live with on a daily basis. For me; he merely adds names and/or faces to familiar events. For the uninitiated or non-believers it provides a startling introduction to reality. The vehicles with Sonora; Mexico license plates we see in the mall parking lots are our neighbors. The characters described in this book and the individuals creeping through local canyons and my yard are criminals. Agree or not; I believe 'Reaper's Line' provides a necessary insight into an ongoing and serious situation.

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