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The Pentagon Wars: Reformers Challenge the Old Guard

DOC The Pentagon Wars: Reformers Challenge the Old Guard by James Burton in History


Lynda Van Devanter was the girl next door; the cheerleader who went to Catholic schools; enjoyed sports; and got along well with her four sisters and parents. After high school she attended nursing school and then did something that would shatter her secure world for the rest of her life: in 1969; she joined the army and was shipped to Vietnam. When she arrived in Vietnam her idealistic view of the war vanished quickly. She worked long and arduous hours in cramped; ill-equipped; understaffed operating rooms. She saw friends die. Witnessing a war close-up; operating on soldiers and civilians whose injuries were catastrophic; she found the very foundations of her thinking changing daily. After one traumatic year; she came home; a Vietnam veteran. Coming home was nearly as devastating as the time she spent in Asia. Nothing was the same ― including Lynda herself. Viewed by many as a murderer instead of a healer; she felt isolated and angry. The anger turned to depression; like many other Vietnam veterans she suffered from delayed stress syndrome. Working in hospitals brought back chilling scenes of hopelessly wounded soldiers. A marriage ended in divorce. The war that was fought physically halfway around the world had become a personal; internal battle.Home before Morning is the story of a woman whose courage; stamina; and personal history make this a compelling autobiography. It is also the saga of others who went to war to aid the wounded and came back wounded ― physically and emotionally ― themselves. And; it is the true story of one person's triumphs: her understanding of; and coming to terms with; her destiny.

#1071748 in Books 1993-09Ingredients: Example IngredientsOriginal language:EnglishPDF # 1 1.11 x 6.23 x 9.23l; #File Name: 1557500819306 pages

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. This is the real story. I had first thought ...By WilderThis is the real story. I had first thought the movie was a satire. It isn't.Col. Burton is one of the real-life heroes and was mistreated by the military brass.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Good readBy Eugene McDonaldThis is one mans view and there is a hint of partisan politics in it but a good way into the "military" way or thinking. Soldiers; sailors; airmen and Marines deserve better from our highest officers and civilian chain of command. Taxpayers need better stewards of our money. Also strongly suggest watching movie of same name.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. AwesomeBy DrewsciferEven more so because the documents are now publicly available; and easily searchable. Also the movie was funny as hell.

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