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The Nose : A Profile of Sex; Beauty; and Survival

ePub The Nose : A Profile of Sex; Beauty; and Survival by Gabrielle Glaser in History


Civilizations of the World provides comprehensive coverage of the world's major civilizations and places historical events; customs; and cultures in a global context. The book acquaints students with the global story in order that they may understand and appreciate the many cultures and societies that have played a role in the human adventure. Using detailed comparative global histories; the authors deliver a thorough discussion of world history enlivened with engaging accounts of critical events and pivotal issues.

#3906255 in Books Washington Square Press 2003-09-01 2003-09-18Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 8.25 x .70 x 5.31l; .53 #File Name: 0671038648272 pages

11 of 11 people found the following review helpful. The Nose Knows the NoseBy A CustomerI had heard about this book in a variety of places - a review here; a radio show there. Like the reader from Waltham; I was curious (and dubious). But I picked up the book the other day; and read. And read; and read. Like Glaser; smells have affected my life powerfully -- I recall an occasion at a friend's house where I caught of whiff of the soap my grandmother used. I became so overwhelmed with longing for her (she died years ago); that tears filled my eyes even before I knew what was happening. In "The Nose;" Glaser describes precisely the power that odors have on our lives; but so very much more. As someone committed to alternative health; I; too; have often been puzzled by the abundance of drugs and surgery geared toward "curing" chronic sinus problems (which I have suffered in the past). Glaser's chapter on doctors at Mayo who have researched this poorly understood disease makes for riveting reading. So; frankly; does the entire book. (I was a bit puzzled by the inclusion of a chapter on snorted drugs; however. It was interesting; but felt a bit out of place.) At any rate; this is a deeply intelligent; beautifully written book on a fascinating subject. Glaser mined history; pop culture; medicine and science for a wondrous narrative. This is an impressive and important book.4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. The Nose Knows the NoseBy A CustomerI had heard about this book in a variety of places - a review here; a radio show there. Like the reader from Waltham; I was curious (and dubious). But I picked up the book the other day; and read. And read; and read. Like Glaser; smells have affected my life powerfully -- I recall an occasion at a friend's house where I caught of whiff of the soap my grandmother used. I became so overwhelmed with longing for her (she died years ago); that tears filled my eyes even before I knew what was happening. In "The Nose;" Glaser describes precisely the power that odors have on our lives; but so very much more. As someone committed to alternative health; I; too; have often been puzzled by the abundance of drugs and surgery geared toward "curing" chronic sinus problems (which I have suffered in the past). Glaser's chapter on doctors at Mayo who have researched this poorly understood disease makes for riveting reading. So; frankly; does the entire book. (I was a bit puzzled by the inclusion of a chapter on snorted drugs; however. It was interesting; but felt a bit out of place.) At any rate; this is a deeply intelligent; beautifully written book on a fascinating subject. Glaser mined history; pop culture; medicine and science for a wondrous narrative. This is an impressive and important book.7 of 7 people found the following review helpful. Why The Nose KnowsBy A CustomerWhen I heard the teaser about "The Nose" on a talk radio show the other day; I couldn't believe my ears. Finally; someone has defined the meaning of the nose in all aspects of our lives - in sex; how we look; how we feel about the things we smell. I am a therapist who deals primarily with women; and at least a dozen times a week; my clients discuss how scents affect their psyche; their work; even their marriages. Glaser's book explores all this and more; in an entertaining and fascinating format. She takes us from ancient Egyptian deodorants to the world of celebrity nose jobs; and she describes (in lay terms!) how scientists are unlocking the mysteries behind smell and the brain. A terrific book for anyone who smells!

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