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The New Analects: Confucius Reconstructed; A Modern Reader

audiobook The New Analects: Confucius Reconstructed; A Modern Reader by Confucius in History


An archaeologist goes beyond the Vikings’ bloody reputation to search for the truth; in a new and groundbreaking historyAn archaeologist goes beyond the Vikings’ bloody reputation to search for the truth; in a new and groundbreaking history.The Vikings famously took no prisoners; relished cruel retribution; and prided themselves on their bloodthirsty skills as warriors. But their prowess in battle is only a small part of their story; which stretches from their Scandinavian origins to America in the West and as far as Baghdad in the East. As the Vikings did not write their own history; we have to discover it for ourselves; and that discovery; as Neil Oliver reveals; tells an extraordinary story of a people who; from the brink of destruction; reached a quarter of the way around the globe and built an empire that lasted nearly two hundred years.Drawing on the latest discoveries that have only recently come to light; Scottish archaeologist Neil Oliver goes on the trail of the real Vikings. Where did they emerge from? How did they really live? And just what drove them to embark on such extraordinary voyages of discovery over 1;000 years ago? The Vikings: A New History explores many of those questions for the first time in an epic story of one of the world's great empires of conquest.

#2087353 in Books Shanghai Press; Better Link Press 2013-10-22 2013-10-22Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 8.25 x 1.00 x 5.50l; .0 #File Name: 1602201463278 pages

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Not Charlie Chan's Confucious.By Herbert C. MeyerA new humanism for China. Since the US has stuck its head firmly up its ass; the future belongs to China. This will give them direction and advice.

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