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The Lost World of the Old Ones: Discoveries in the Ancient Southwest

ebooks The Lost World of the Old Ones: Discoveries in the Ancient Southwest by David Roberts in History


A pedagogically innovative new edition of the most-balanced and best-selling western civilizations text of all time. New to the Western Civilizations team; master teachers and scholars Joshua Cole (University of Michigan) and Carol Symes (University of Illinois; Urbana-Champaign) have integrated innovative pedagogical tools into the text to help students and instructors achieve their course objectives; while incorporating the latest scholarship into this highly readable; balanced; and beautifully written book.

#115839 in Books Roberts David 2016-04-25Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 8.30 x 1.00 x 5.50l; .0 #File Name: 0393352331368 pagesThe Lost World of the Old Ones Discoveries in the Ancient Southwest

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. My family owns a cabin on Lake Valicito in Durango Colorado and reading about all the stuff I didn't know was around me is very amazing. The climbing aspects are very intriguing especially considering ...By zombieI heard about this book from a radio show hosted by John Batchelor. I was fascinated by the stuff Mr Roberts spoke about on the show and immediately purchased this book after the interview.This is such an interesting book! I was born in Vernal Utah. Some of the stuff Mr Roberts referenced I was actually told about by my Grandfather and his grandfather before. (Butch Cassidy and the Hole in the wall gang.) Local Indian legends and the farmers that explored many of the ruins around Utah and Colorado. My family owns a cabin on Lake Valicito in Durango Colorado and reading about all the stuff I didn't know was around me is very amazing. The climbing aspects are very intriguing especially considering the heights and difficulty involved. The writing style is very readable and keeps you interested. I imagine this was a hard book to write and bring all the history and personal experiences together. In addition goes over the Chaco Meridian theory developed by Archeologist Stephen H. Lekson.I recommend this book to anyone that lives in the four corners area or just anyone that loves exploring old ruins and archaeology sites.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. David Robert's writing makes me want to go back to Cedar Ridge and spend years exploring the regionBy Sean C. MarkusDave Roberts does a wonderful job describing what makes South Eastern Utah such a magical place. As former writer for National Geographic Adventure; he knows his stuff and how to describe it in perfect detail. Robert's writing makes me want to go back to the region and explore it all for myself.9 of 10 people found the following review helpful. Great read for the casual visitor of the SW looking for more than textbook "truths".By Jess in OklahomaI have not read "In Search of the Old Ones"; but I was forever reading and re-reading Mr. Roberts articles published in the National Geographic. I was looking for an intellectually stimulating book to read during the lulls of our wheat harvest; and this fit the bill perfectly. As an Agronomist; reading about how these lost civilizations practiced cultivation (if they did) endlessly fascinates me. I appreciate the attention to given to facts and that Mr. Roberts put aside his own ideas to give a reader a chance to shape their own ideas; and to hear all sides. Great book!

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