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The Living Great Lakes: Searching for the Heart of the Inland Seas

PDF The Living Great Lakes: Searching for the Heart of the Inland Seas by Jerry Dennis in History


A New Edition of the Phenomenal #1 Bestseller"One mark of a great book is that it makes you see things in a new way; and Mr. Friedman certainly succeeds in that goal;" the Nobel laureate Joseph E. Stiglitz wrote in The New York Times reviewing The World Is Flat in 2005. In this new edition; Thomas L. Friedman includes fresh stories and insights to help us understand the flattening of the world. Weaving new information into his overall thesis; and answering the questions he has been most frequently asked by parents across the country; this third edition also includes two new chapters--on how to be a political activist and social entrepreneur in a flat world; and on the more troubling question of how to manage our reputations and privacy in a world where we are all becoming publishers and public figures.The World Is Flat 3.0 is an essential update on globalization; its opportunities for individual empowerment; its achievements at lifting millions out of poverty; and its drawbacks--environmental; social; and political; powerfully illuminated by the Pulitzer Prize--winning author of The Lexus and the Olive Tree.

#288221 in Books Dennis; Jerry 2004-06-01 2004-06-01Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 8.19 x 21.97 x 5.39l; .68 #File Name: 0312331037320 pages

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. the intentionally crafted essay—we know what it’s like to learn from a colleague whose body of work ...By Katey Schultz[I had the honor of introducing Jerry after studying his work.]Jerry Dennis IntroThose of us who identify as book-lovers; those of us who lived inside stories throughout our childhoods—we know the work of a living legend when we encounter it on the page. Similarly; those of us who have built careers out of the well-shaped sentence; the fully-formed paragraph; the intentionally crafted essay—we know what it’s like to learn from a colleague whose body of work represents a deeply significant contribution.Today’s Keynote Speaker; Jerry Dennis; is that kind of writer. He has given us work that ignites the imagination; while also infusing it with facts. Woven into his book The Living Great Lakes; which is part memoir; part research; part adventure—the facts alone don’t invite story; but they do stay with us long after the final page has been turned—the story that’s there is; indeed; a page-turner. There’s an important kind of intentionality to that approach. We learn as we go along; but we hardly notice that we’re learning.Whether reading a brief personal essay Jerry published 20 years ago; or a new blog post published last month; his careful focus; smart craft; and generosity of spirit that infuse the page instill readers with a sense of possibility. “You have to open yourself to natural spectacle;” Jerry writes in The River Home. “Like a child; you have to be empty of expectation; have to possess eyes that see and ears that hear. It takes practice; like anything. Sometimes you can be surprised.”Jerry’s writing gives us those eyes and ears; as well as surprise. His place-based work; infused with facts and the imagination; adds up to what I call slow and steady eco-activism. The result is body of work that has brought the Great Lakes Region to life for thousands of readers; above and beyond its residents. His work helps people find a way into caring; into breathing fresh air; and into appreciation of natural resources—even if they aren’t looking for it. Even if they’ve never caught a fish in their lives. Even if they’ve never seen a Great Lake.If you’re not familiar with his work; I want you to know that Jerry is an internationally acclaimed author who has earned his living as a freelance writer since 1986. His books; including A Walk in the Animal Kingdom; The Living Great Lakes; The Windward Shore; and A Place on the Water; have won numerous awards; have been translated into seven languages; have appeared on national bestseller lists; and are required reading in many universities and colleges. His essays; poems and short fiction have appeared in more than 100 publications; including The New York Times; Smithsonian Magazine; American Way; Michigan Quarterly Review; PANK; and Mid-American Review.But his bio wasn’t always so chalk-full; and his life—as much as we may like to romanticize the life of the writer—is just as busy; exciting; boring; overbooked; full of love; full of confusion; muddled by injustice; and full of uncertainty as the rest of ours.So what can we learn? After thirty years of making a living as a writer; I won’t go so far as to say that Jerry’s seen it all; but I will tell you that I invited him to be today’s Keynote Speaker with great confidence that he’s not going to sugar-coat what he has to tell us. He’s seen changes in the publishing industry that impact everyone in this room; and many of those changes; he’s seen from more than one angle.I’m as eager as you are to learn more; and while he won’t be reading from his published work today; I hope you’ll take the hard facts he’s going to share during this presentation and water them with a healthy dose of Great Lakes imagination by reading his books when we’re done.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A wealth of information!By mmmThis book gives a wealth of information about the Great Lakes. It was well researched. Interweaving the author's biographical information; information about each of the Lakes; and his experience crewing on the Malabar from Traverse City Michigan to Maine with Captain Hajo K made it interesting as well as informative.3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. A Splendid and Enlightening Read !!!!By 5/0"The Living Great Lakes" by Jerry Dennis is subtitled "Searching for the Heart of the Inland Seas" and that is an apt description of this engrossing book. It is very easy to see why the Outdoor Writers of America named it the "Best Book of 2003". Dennis succeeds in introducing the Great Lakes to you in the same sense that someone introduces special friends to you. You won't just learn about the lakes; you will meet them. Though Dennis has driven around the lakes (more than once); he takes you through the lakes the only way any explorer can really meet the lakes - by boat; a sailing boat to be precise - and he is a skilled enough writer to make you feel like your reading chair must certainly have been magically transferred to the poop deck. The Great Lakes; like the other incredible and enigmatic regions here; the Great Plains; the Rockies and Sierras; Appalachia; et al; are a region of amazement and Dennis helps his reader savoir that wonder through a very deft and enjoyable immersion. "The Living Great Lakes" is a hearty brew of history; lake lore; science; ecology; appreciation; sailing adventure; Great Lakes culture; weather wisdom; and Irish wit. Your entertainment is guaranteed.

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