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The Literature of the Lewis and Clark Expedition: A Bibliography and Essays

ebooks The Literature of the Lewis and Clark Expedition: A Bibliography and Essays by Stephen Dow Beckham; Doug Erickson; Jeremy Skinner; Paul Merchant in History


The Rise and Fall of the Waves of Civilizations: The Historic Pattern and the Crisis of The World Today documents history and modern science revealing the same pattern of 500 year waves of 25 major civilizations and 150 associated ones with different cultures. Every wave of civilization begins with faith in one high sovereign God as Creator and after 250 years growth to prosperity; man believes by his own individual sensual determined knowledge he is wise as God and built the culture. Intellectuals then reject the Creator and begin to worship material creation. Individual selfish competition for material values and physical pleasures produces greed; changes in sexual roles that destroy marital union and reduce love for children; which produces selfish anarchy that collapses the civilization by God's judgment (cf. Genesis 1-3). Chapter 1 reveals the pattern given as warning by Moses to Israel as they were about to enter the Promised Land. He warned that if they followed this pattern of the nations before them; they too would collapse and be judged like them. Paul in Romans 1:18 ff. referred to God's warning to Habakkuk of Israel's coming judgment by Babylon which could only be survived by faith. Paul reviewed for the Greeks and Romans how their nations too had followed this pattern; and he gave the detailed steps of how rejecting the knowledge of the Creator led to their terrible sin and judgment; saying their salvation can come by faith in the glorified Christ as Creator. The historical records of both nations confirm Paul's teaching. Section one of the book traces this pattern of rise in our Western civilization from the collapse of the religious domination of the Holy Roman Empire. New faith in European nations broke forth in open Reformation in 1517 promoting Biblical faith in the glorified Christ and rediscovery in science of Christ's work as Creator. After 100 years of growing prosperity; religion became worldly with wars for territory; famines and pestilence. Worldly religion caused disappointment. Intellectual belief in man's own individual natural determined knowledge by sense and reason led to the Enlightenment in the middle of the 18th century; rejecting the biblical Creator. Enlightenment from dreams and visions (in sections two-five) claimed that all things were made and evolved by nature from a nebular hypothesis of atomic mater and later that of all of life up to man. All biblical catastrophes were denied to claim a uniform gradualism. There were deliberate perversions in astronomy; geology; biology and atomic sciences and an inflationary universe. By the 20th century; determined knowledge was shown to be indetermined by the quantum; chaos and the New Information theories and claims of evolutionary development of the cone of life in fossils and genetics were shown by science to be wrong. Dark matter and energy were 96% of universe. In sections five and six; catastrophes of a worldwide flood and division of the earth forming continents and nations and confusing the tongues were shown by science to occur and the claim of long ages and absolute dating were shown to be false. By the last of the 20th century; scientific history by archaeology; scientific historians; and ethnological studies; revealed the pattern of the rise of waves by faith in one high God and then collapse of all ancient and modern nations by intellectuals rejecting the Creator for determined natural knowledge and worship of creation. Section seven reveals collapse of the wave of the West in class revolution. Intellectuals (1960s) claimed the death of God; denied truths of Christianity (1970s) and by Axial age renouncers/protesters now claim evolution of religious transcendence to lead mankind to a utopia of equality and freedom. This end of the West may be the final end times of prophecy and return of Christ reigning; raising his elect enduring disciples to a new Jerusalem civilization in a new heaven and new earth.

#2151590 in Books 2003-02-01Ingredients: Example IngredientsOriginal language:EnglishPDF # 1 1.39 x 8.44 x 12.12l; 3.60 #File Name: 0963086618316 pages

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