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The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston: His Service in the Armies of the United States; the Republic of Texas; and the Confederate States

ePub The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston: His Service in the Armies of the United States; the Republic of Texas; and the Confederate States by William Preston Johnston in History


The student of American sociology will find the year 1894 marked by a pronounced awakening of the public conscience to a system of anarchy and outlawry which had grown during a series of ten years to be so common; that scenes of unusual brutality failed to have any visible effect upon the humane sentiments of the people of our land. Beginning with the emancipation of the Negro; the inevitable result of unbridled power exercised for two and a half centuries; by the white man over the Negro; began to show itself in acts of conscienceless outlawry. During the slave regime; the Southern white man owned the Negro body and soul. It was to his interest to dwarf the soul and preserve the body. Vested with unlimited power over his slave; to subject him to any and all kinds of physical punishment; the white man was still restrained from such punishment as tended to injure the slave by abating his physical powers and thereby reducing his financial worth. While slaves were scourged mercilessly; and in countless cases inhumanly treated in other respects; still the white owner rarely permitted his anger to go so far as to take a life; which would entail upon him a loss of several hundred dollars. The slave was rarely killed; he was too valuable; it was easier and quite as effective; for discipline or revenge; to sell him "Down South." But Emancipation came and the vested interests of the white man in the Negro's body were lost. The white man had no right to scourge the emancipated Negro; still less has he a right to kill him. But the Southern white people had been educated so long in that school of practice; in which might makes right; that they disdained to draw strict lines of action in dealing with the Negro. In slave times the Negro was kept subservient and submissive by the frequency and severity of the scourging; but; with freedom; a new system of intimidation came into vogue; the Negro was not only whipped and scourged; he was killed. Not all nor nearly all of the murders done by white men; during the past thirty years in the South; have come to light; but the statistics as gathered and preserved by white men; and which have not been questioned; show that during these years more than ten thousand Negroes have been killed in cold blood; without the formality of judicial trial and legal execution. And yet; as evidence of the absolute impunity with which the white man dares to kill a Negro; the same record shows that during all these years; and for all these murders only three white men have been tried; convicted; and executed. As no white man has been lynched for the murder of colored people; these three executions are the only instances of the death penalty being visited upon white men for murdering Negroes.

#2303143 in Books 2016-02-24Original language:English 9.00 x 1.21 x 6.00l; #File Name: 1530189918534 pages

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Excellent biography of a soldier who fought in numerous wars.By TM95This was an excellent biography of a soldier who fought for the United States; Texas; and the Confederacy. One must keep in mind that the author was the General's son who may have been a little biased. He did; however; attempt to bring out all sides of an issue. The book was well researched and frequently quoted actual participants in occurring events.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. An important but mostly over looked American hero.By Gatorman76No American history education is complete without thoroughly understanding the history of Texas and American Civil War history. A.S. Johnston was deeply involved in both yet he is virtually unmentioned in high school or college American history books. I highly reccommed this book to learn of a principled and honorable character in American history.

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