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The Korean War

ePub The Korean War by Brian Catchpole in History


Inside Hinduism"" covers the development; spread; teachings; practices; holy days; and festivals of the oldest organized religion in the world. In addition to valuable historical and practical information; this book provides review questions; questions for discussion; key word lists; a test; and an answer key. These features facilitate student assimilation of the fundamentals of a religion practiced by an estimated 781 million people around the globe. Whether your objective is a comprehensive study of Hinduism or a simple overview; this book affords you the opportunity to easily accomplish either one. You will be delighted to observe your students' growing understanding of the rich culture and history of a religion believed to date back to prehistoric times.

#1100255 in Books Basic Books 2001-11-09Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 1.07 x 5.14 x 7.78l; #File Name: 0786709243384 pages

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. United Nations WarBy Thomas H. SaveryThe author; Brian Catchpole is British; and the book notes all the British units fighting in the war; as well as all the other United Nations troops. United States troops are also included; as they provided most of the troops; next to the Koreans; but the Brits provided the 2nd most; after the U.S. British Commandos were in the fighting at the Chosin Reservoir; for example.The horrendous intelligence failure to see over 300;000 Chinese troops is noted; as the stupidity of Gen Almond to want to continue the advance to the Yalu in spite of the masses of Chinese attacking.The book includes chapters not usually included in this war.There are chapters about the role of the Navy;and Air Force; and special operations behind the lines.The contributions of the Greeks; Turks; French; Canadians; Kiwis. and Australians; Filipinos; and Thais are included.The Koreans did the most suffering; by the millions. Souel was a ruin; having been taken 4 times in the War twice by the Chinese; twice by us.The Japanese were the big benefactors of the war; with billions of military spending causing a boom in Japan. Japan was our repair shop; storage shop; and they made many of our vehicles.For example; the Toyota president had tried just before the war started to form a partnership with Ford. Ford refused; and then Toyota had to make thousands of vehicles on its own for the military when the war broke out; and kept all the profit.The POW issue is included.The war was forgotten before it even ended. When troops came home; no one welcomed them. The public did not even notice.The Brits did not declassifiy much of the Korean War information until the 1990.s.Differences in equipment were noted; with the Brits with their sten guns and rum ration; the Canadians with huge supplies of Labatt beer.The battles of the Hook and Pork Chop Hill are gone into in some detail; as they were the final battles.A chapter is included on the various perspectives on the war from the different country' points of view. The McCarthy era; Ike; is discussed; as well as the effect in China and Britain.It is a very good book for an overall view of the Korean war; especially if you are British.7 of 7 people found the following review helpful. Review of "The Korean War"By DankosFor those of us born in the years immediately following World War II; the start of the Cold War was one of those dark ghosts that would haunt us until middle age. To me; the Korean War marks the formal recognition that the First and Second Worlds had irreconcilable differences that would not soon disappear. America began a conscious effort to change its political system and military philosophy and doctrine to cope with this challenge. The Korean War was also the tangible manifestation that the Cold War would be a global contest. Thereafter America looked at Asia and the world outside of Europe differently.Otherwise it was so reminiscent of the other large wars of the Twentieth Century. A megalomaniac autocrat sends his army to overwhelm a weak neighbor. The weak neighbor through bravery; desperation; and limited help from a hard-pressed ally; militarily unprepared and with a politically indifferent populace; narrowly fends-off the invader until the US can bring the might of its resources to bear. In this way it was eerily similar to the way the First World War started; was fought; and ended.This book tells the history of the Korean War -- mostly from a British perspective -- from the individual heroism of the Black Watch in the battle of the Hook to the efforts various British governments to support the UN effort. Despite this perspective; Catchpole is careful to maintain a balance with the narrative of the general military and political context. The book does not neglect the important battles that American forces fought; nor does it neglect the ROK army. Douglas MacArthur; America's proconsul to Japan; comes off as out-of-touch and immensely egotistical. The decision to fire him was not a result of a sudden epiphany; but a culmination of minor and major insubordinations.One of the basest insults for a soldier is that he is prepared for the last war. Indeed the soldiers of the Korean War; especially the British; should have been complemented for remembering the lessons and being prepared to re-fight the First World War. The book recounts; the appalling monotony in which the Chinese attacked; often at division strength; and were slaughtered as they attempted to take the prepared British defenses.Catchpole's book is a reminder that the Korean War was a UN war. Although the military effort was predominantly American; the other contingents bore the brunt of the fighting out of proportion to their sizes. Politically; the support of America's allies was indispensable to maintaining the effort in a place most Americans cared little about and would just as soon forget.4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. The Korean War: 1950-53; by Brian CatchpoleBy Tom DeloyIn this book; Brian Catchpole provides a political and military history of the movements and actions leading up to the war and on through to 1953. Although this book does not get bogged down in any one facet of the war; it does do a good job at covering the political plans of President Truman; the tactical maneuvers of Gen. MacArthur and his commanders; and the grinding ground/sea/air battles that took place.Some will be astonished at the power that MacArthur wielded as the commander of U.N. forces. He was quite a diplomat; building a coalition of nations to fight the Chinese and Russian fortified North Korean People's Army (NKPA).The book also gives the reader a good insight into the life of an infantryman; be it the 8th Army; X Corp; or Republic of Korea (ROK) regiments; trying to survive the cold Korean winters and defend against crushing attacks.No single book can cover all of what transpired during the Korean War; but this book should satisfy all but the most erudite war buff.

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