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The Jewish Onslaught: Despatches from the Wellesley Battlefront

ePub The Jewish Onslaught: Despatches from the Wellesley Battlefront by Tony Martin in History


The President's Daughter is the heart warming story of an innocent young girl who became pregnant and gave birth to a child whose father happened to be the President of the United States. No. This is not a tawdry fable. This is fact. The President was Warren G. Harding who then died suddenly. Some say he was murdered. Her book is great. In Chapter 18 she describes how on July 30; 1917 she finally lost her virginity to the future president after a long courtship; in a New York City hotel on 30th Street overlooking Broadway. Only moments after the intercourse had been completed; the New York City Vice Squad broke down the door. Harding was forced to identify himself. When the police realized that their target; Warren G. Harding; was a United States Senator (he was not yet president); the Vice Squad apologized and beat a hasty retreat. It was not before long that Nan Britton discovered that she was pregnant. Senator Harding set her up in a house in Asbury Park; New Jersey near a casino where he sometimes played poker; and he sent her money through messengers. She was able to keep her pregnancy and the subsequent birth to her of an illegitimate child a secret from everybody; except for her actual lover who was US Senator and then President Warren G. Harding. The child; Elizabeth Ann; was born on October 22; 1919; not in a hospital but in the same house in Asbury Park NJ where Nan Britton had been staying. The resulting book; The President's Daughter; has a story all its own. Bills were introduced in the United States Congress to stop the publication of this book or to make possession of it illegal. The New York City Vice Squad raided the printing plant and confiscated all the plates. No major; reputable book publisher would touch this book. All turned it down. Finally; the book was published. Naturally; as the book featured sex romps in the White House; it became a best seller.

#640074 in Books 1993-12-01Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 8.22 x .33 x 5.30l; .40 #File Name: 0912469307144 pages

8 of 11 people found the following review helpful. Jewish Arrogance... "Not Intelligence"By fastidious oneDr. Tony Martin executed the brilliant indictment with irrefutable facts and evidence against the Jews. Actually; a heaping pile of very condemning data comes directly from various Jewish beloved Rabbis; including their scholar Rabbi Marc Lee Raphael and his book titled: "Jews and Judaism in the United States: A Documentary History" (New York: Behrman House; Inc.; Pub; 1983). Another factual source happens to be the despised "fact book" filled with Jewish arrogance and self-incriminating evidence as revealed in the book: "The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews; Second Edition (Volume 2)"; presented by their ace nemesis; the Nation of Islam; drawing almost entirely from Jewish documents and providing succinct embarrassment. So much so; there have been a few blundering attempts to refute it; but the damage sustained is irrevocable; and is bound to gain momentum.Anytime someone points out Jewish putrid behavior; the attacks; sniveling; complaints and whining about "anti-Semitism" starts. Actually; it is Jews themselves which should be considered among the most malevolent and anti-Semitic people on planet earth! Their attitudes and behavior towards Afroasiatic or Hamito-Semitics (Chamito-Semitics) are appalling and extremely racist.Semitic by definition:- relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew; Arabic; and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian; constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family.- relating to the peoples who speak the Semitic languages; especially Hebrew and Arabic.So; how does the (Sephardic or Ashkenazi) Jew and their Yiddish amalgam linguistic origins of Eastern and Central Europe fit? Better yet; Khazaria or Khazars?? They don't. Yiddish is a dialect of High German with an admixture of words of Hebrew characters; Slavonic and Romance origin. Romance is an Indo-European language that started from Vulgar Latin. The common Romance languages are Spanish; Portuguese; French; Italian; and Romanian developed in Central and Eastern Europe during the Middle Ages. This hardly qualifies Jews as Semitics. *Jews* are more "European" than anything; and they should never be confused or considered as true ancient Hebrews. Hebrews were found through-out the ancient world; particularly originating the region commonly known as the *Middle East* and Israel today; while most migrated into Africa. Interestingly; among Haplogroup genetic markers; DNA E1B1A proves to be a consistent scientific paternal genetic marker among "black" Hebrews only.Jews also have a very nasty historical stronghold in U.S Southern Confederacy governance with men such as Judah P. Benjamin: "Judah P. Benjamin: The Jewish Confederate" and Nathan Bedford Forrest (1821-1877); the Confederate general who founded the Ku Klux Klan: Nathan Bedford Forrest: In Search of the Enigma. Indeed; Nathan Bedford Forrest was of Jewish ancestry. In fact; the Confederate Battle flag design was also influenced by Jewish Confederates.---------------------------1... Slave auctions were typically postponed in observance of Jewish holidays.2... Jewish SLAVERS (or merchants) were dominate within ALL American colonies; whether French (Martinique); British; or Dutch.3... During the 17th century; in places such as Curacao; and in 18th century Barbados and Jamaica; Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade.4... Jews were also active in the Dutch colonial slave trade. Bylaws of the Recife and Mauricia congregations (1648) included a "Jewish tax" of five soldos for each "black" slave from the West Indies Company a Brazilian Jew purchased.5... Jews participated in the 'triangular trade' which brought slaves from Africa to the West Indies and exchanged them for molasses. Molasses was then taken to New England and converted into rum later sold (or traded) in Africa while Jewish individuals such as Isaac Da Costa of Charleston in the 1750's; David Franks of Philadelphia in the 1760's; and Aaron Lopez of Newport in the late 1760's and early 1770's dominated slave trading on the American continent.During the 16th century; exiled from Spain; closely pursued Jews escaped the grasps of the Inquisition. Spanish and Portuguese Jews fled to the Netherlands; and the Dutch eagerly welcomed these talented and "skilled businessmen." While thriving in Amsterdam; they became the focal-point of a unique urban Jewish domain and attained status that anticipated Jewish emancipation in the West. In the 1500's and 1600's; Jews established themselves in the Dutch and English colonies of the New World. These included Curacao; Surinam; Recife; and New Amsterdam (Dutch) as well as Barbados; Jamaica; Newport; and Savannah (English). This is just the tip of their Jewish-Caribbean; Jewish-Surinam and Jewish-North American nexus. JEWS clearly owned many of the slave ships; the 'Nassau' owned by Moses Levy; the 'Four Sisters' also owned by Moses Levy; the 'Anne' The 'Eliza' owned by Justus Bosch and John Abrams; the 'Prudent Betty' owned by Henry Cruger and Jacob Phoenix; the 'Hester' owned by Mordecai and David Gomez; the 'Elizabeth' also owned by Mordecai and David Gomez.The list of Jewish ownership; financing and governance is rather comprehensive.Accounts of Jewish trickery and deceit is certainly credible.5 of 6 people found the following review helpful. Martin was a very brave man who stood on principle ...By Robert ArangoMartin was a very brave man who stood on principle against Jewish elite power; and confirmed that "Jewish power is the ability to silence a discussion of Jewish power." (Glad Atzmon)8 of 11 people found the following review helpful. Truth and Justice is what it's about! Time for extensive public discussion on this!By american womanExcellent read. Very informative and timely for the times we live in today. Issues that still need to be confronted and dealt with thoughtful; honest dialog. These topics should NOT be taboo nor censored and need lots of discussions with a wide variety of viewpoints and participants. Truth and Justice is what it's all about! Glad I read this book and highly recommend it!

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