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The Janowska Road

PDF The Janowska Road by Leon Weliczker Wells in History


This report describes the key elements of a nuclear weapons program; explains the available information regarding cooperation among Iran; North Korea; and Syria on ballistic missiles and nuclear technology; and discusses some specific issues for Congress. Enhanced with text analytics by PageKicker Robot Jellicoe; including word cloud; keywords; and programmatic summary.

#1874048 in Books Wells Leon Weliczker 2014-02-15Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 8.50 x .74 x 5.50l; .83 #File Name: 149593800X326 pagesThe Janowska Road

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. absolutely incredible!By ChuckSI've read 150 or maybe even 200 holocaust survivor stories and I've read some very good ones but this one; ..this one is by the far the very best. If there can be a best book about the holocaust. This book best describes the utterly horrible conditions the nazis put their prisoners through. What they went through in the Janowska camp sounds to me like it was even worse than Auschwitz. I remember seeing this book in the kindle store and thinking "How can a book about a road to Janowska be any good?"I was very wrong. I couldn't put this book down. I can't imagine living through what these guys had to go through. And they were expected to show happiness and show a good attitude while in the camp. Give it a try; you won't be disappointed at all. I will read this again and again!0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. The Janowska RoadBy Theresia ExnerThe story is unbelievable ; at times is hard to believe this happen here on this beautiful planet; because the experiences he encountered certainly resembles hell.He shared all the bad and one canot help wanting to know all the good thinks happen to him afterwards; because one ; throughout the story started to care and hoped he would be alright after the ordeal. He never mention how he really coped emotionally when all was said and done.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. really goodBy LoriIt was a really good story of survival; and I still can't figure out how anyone survived at all. I wouldn't have lasted a day.

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