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The Illustrious Dead: The Terrifying Story of How Typhus Killed Napoleon's Greatest Army

ePub The Illustrious Dead: The Terrifying Story of How Typhus Killed Napoleon's Greatest Army by Stephan Talty in History


What if God has his own ways that are not always our ways? What if God acts in public affairs in ways that can; of course; be ignored from day to day but at a price for individuals and whole societies? If God is an actor; how is it possible to trace his action? . . . Can we discover God’s actions in the part of human experience that is public in our day? —Francis Cardinal George In this bracing manifesto; His Eminence Francis Cardinal George; one of the leading Catholic intellectuals in America today; provides refreshing insight into the intersection of faith and the public sphere. Finding both challenges and reasons for hope; he lays out a vision for national life that respects natural law; human dignity; and the essential ways religion uniquely contributes to the common good. In our country today; the significance of religious faith is often reduced to personal spiritual convictions or peculiar ideas found within self-contained churches; synagogues; temples; and mosques. Yet; as Cardinal George argues; it is God acting through humanity that is the very root of the core ideals that shape society. In the process; a moral framework is built that allows life to flourish. Consequently; he calls for resistance to creeping ideas that seek to deny religious organizations the freedom to act on their convictions and; thus; shutting voices of faith out of the public square on culture-defining issues. Moreover; Cardinal George calls for a fundamental reevaluation of questions surrounding human rights; religious liberty; respect for life; just war; commerce; immigration; and globalization. In turn; he points out a clear path that respects individual conscience while integrating faith and natural law into the public conversation on our shared future. An important book for challenging times; God in Action presents a universal message rooted in the Catholic philosophical tradition that is impossible to ignore.

#1435035 in Books Stephan Talty 2010-06-01 2010-06-01Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 7.99 x .70 x 5.19l; 8.60 #File Name: 0307394050336 pagesThe Illustrious Dead The Terrifying Story of How Typhus Killed Napoleon s Greatest Army

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Entertaining account of the Napoleonic invasion of RussiaBy Nicholas RobertsTalty does a good job writing an interesting and entertaining account of the Napoleonic invasion of Russia. His thesis; that the invasion failed due to a typhus epidemic is supported well throughout the book. In addition to the military aspects which he covers he looks at medicine at the time of the invasion and how different doctors viewed and handled the outbreak. The book is not particularly detailed which makes it an easy read. However it get the job it sent out to do done. A real serious Napoleonic enthusiast will not find much information to add to their knowledge (although I did regarding medical procedures) but they would find it entertaining. If you are someone with no exposure to Napoleon this is a great book as it gives you the whole story of the invasion without getting bogged down in military details. I was generally pleased with the book.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Not your average readBy howardhI have often thought about getting one of those ereaders; but you just can't find unusual titles like this one on the websites that have ebooks.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. New information on Napoleon's Russian campaignBy ABHI've read several books on Napoleon's Russian campaign; and not one of them has blamed typhus for the near total destructionof his army. It was extremely well written and absolutely fascinating with many references to primary sources. Medical scienceknew enough to know that typhus was what was killing so many men; but they had no idea of the cause of it. I'm passing thisone on to my friends who enjoy history/military history

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