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The History of the Fighting Fourteenth: 14th Brooklyn State Militia (Army of the Potomac Series)

DOC The History of the Fighting Fourteenth: 14th Brooklyn State Militia (Army of the Potomac Series) by C. V. Tevis; Don Marquis in History


Associated with strength; bravery; and loyalty; arms and armor have long been decorated with great skill and care; thereby becoming artistic creations in their own right. Beautifully photographed; the Cleveland Museum of Art’s superb collection of arms and armor appears here along with works of art from each period that illustrate their use. Chapters include discussions of chivalry and the tournament; manufacture and decoration; and weapons as technology and art.

#13816628 in Books Butternut n Blue 1996-07Original language:English 11.00 x 8.50 x 1.25l; #File Name: 0935523375366 pages

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. A unique treasury of information for a brave regimentBy John PentangeloThis regimental history of the 14th Brooklyn(aka 84th NY Infantry) was produced by two reporters for the "Brooklyn Eagle" in 1911 when the regiment celebrated its 50th anniversary. It is hardly a definitive history since less than a third of the work covers their wartime service as a narrative. The middle portion of the book consists of poems; the stories of veterans; and official letters regarding the regiment; while the last section contains the regimental roster. I found that this history was often confusing; unclear; incomplete; and at times; inconsistent with other research. Despite these faults; it truly is a remarkable collection. Tevis and Marquis have included a great deal of primary source material in original form; such as official documents and letters from corps and division commanders; the colonel's account of Gettysburg; as well as the surviving portion of Col. Fowler's attempt to write the history of his beloved regiment. Anyone intere! sted in Brooklyn's Civil War history will find this to be a revealing and enlightening read. However; it might also be helpful to investigate some more recent research. The 1994 reprint contains an impressive photographic supplement.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. The History of the Fighting Fourteenth: 14th Brooklyn StateBy A CustomerThis regimental history of the famous Brooklyn civil war unit is a reprint of a 1911 book compiled by two Brooklyn Eagle reporters. It was never intended to be a definitive history of the 14th Brooklyn; but had been published specifically for the 50th Anniversary of the regiment's muster into Federal service in 1861 and only; at that time; for the veterans attending the ceremony.With over 365 pages; it is a collection of reminiscences of the remaining veterans of their wartime service. About 1/3 of the book is the regimental history; the remaining 2/3s is of veteran's account and period diary accounts from wartime as well as a roster of the members of the regiment. Some good period material is contained within.Historians know that soldiers accounts recorded long after the occurrence of the events must be scrutinized carefully; for; as years go by; details become foggy. The new introduction clearly points this out. The new introduction as well as 42 new and some never published photos of soldiers makes this good contemporary book even better.

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