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The Heart of Hebrew History: A Study of the Old Testament

DOC The Heart of Hebrew History: A Study of the Old Testament by H. I. Hester in History


Black Elk of the Sioux has been recognized as one of the truly remarkable men of his time in the matter of religious belief and practice. Shortly before his death in August; 1950; when he was the "keeper of the sacred pipe;" he said; "It is my prayer that; through our sacred pipe; and through this book in which I shall explain what our pipe really is; peace may come to those peoples who can understand; and understanding which must be of the heart and not of the head alone. Then they will realize that we Indians know the One true God; and that we pray to Him continually."Black Elk was the only qualified priest of the older Oglala Sioux still living when The Sacred Pipe was written. This is his book: he gave it orally to Joseph Epes Brown during the latter's eight month's residence on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota; where Black Elk lived. Beginning with the story of White Buffalo Cow Woman's first visit to the Sioux to give them the sacred pip~; Black Elk describes and discusses the details and meanings of the seven rites; which were disclosed; one by one; to the Sioux through visions. He takes the reader through the sun dance; the purification rite; the "keeping of the soul;" and other rites; showing how the Sioux have come to terms with God and nature and their fellow men through a rare spirit of sacrifice and determination.The wakan Mysteries of the Siouan peoples have been a subject of interest and study by explorers and scholars from the period of earliest contact between whites and Indians in North America; but Black Elk's account is without doubt the most highly developed on this religion and cosmography. The Sacred Pipe; published as volume thirty-six in the Civilization of the American Indian Series; will be greeted enthusiastically by students of comparative religion; ethnologists; historians; philosophers; and everyone interested in American Indian life.

#777091 in Books Hubert Inman Hester 1980-01-01Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.25 x .98 x 6.20l; 1.25 #File Name: 0805412174330 pagesHeart of Hebrew History A Study of the Old Testament Reprint of the 1949 Ed

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. For the theologian; historian; and critical examiner of the Bible.By Michael StrassbergThis is an excellent book for anyone who is interested in the Old Testament or Hebrew Bible; whichever name you choose to use. In concise; very readable sections it provides the basic facts and narrative of this important book. Regardless whether one is a literalist or believes that the Bible was written by people in a prescientific age with a political agenda they needed to advance to create a unified people; this book is excellent. When reading the Bible one can lose forest for the trees. This book dispels that problem by giving the reader a cogent synopsis of each section of the Bible and also giving a clear narration of the Bible's story line. I entertain far from a literal interpretation of the Bible; regarding it rather as a document formulated to create a coherent unifying narrative and theology to bring unity to the Hebrew people; yet this book is invaluable in providing an understanding of the Biblical story.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. This is a great resource book.By dwThis is a great resource book.I needed something to make sure that I was able to fill in some of the missing wholes in my understanding of the sequence of events; and where given individuals appear within those events.The book is very well laid out; with sections which give a general outline of a time period. And then additional sections fill in the details.This is excellent strategy for presentation of material; allowing the reader quick reference and review.When one can see the biblical picture of events in sequential order; it provides clearer perspective when one is in the middle of the scripture narrative.I would recommend this as a great resource book.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Great Hebrew Course bookBy Honest CitizenThe author givers a thorough overview of one of world's major religions (Judaism) and the historical text on which it is based (Old Testament).For any person seeking to better understand either Judaism or Christianity; this is the book.

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