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The Four Cardinal Virtues

ePub The Four Cardinal Virtues by Josef Pieper in History


In this book James Turner Johnson explores the cultural traditions of the Christian West and Islam in an effort to encourage a constructive dialogue on the nature of war for religion. No other issue highlights the difference between these two cultures more clearly or with more relevance for their interrelations throughout history and in the contemporary world.In the West; war for religion is most often dismissed as a relic of the past; belonging to a time less rational and less civilized than our own. From this perspective; Muslims who advocate holy war are seen as religious fanatics who are supporting criminal and terrorist activity. By contrast; war for religion has an honored place in the Islamic world; associated with a perennial religious requirement: striving in the path of faith by heart; tongue; and hands. This striving is designated by the now familiar term jihad. In fact; striving by the sword is the "lesser" jihad; and many Muslims themselves are troubled by reductionistic appeals to jihad to justify terrorism; revolution; and anti-western activity. According to Johnson; for there to be any dialogue between Islam and the West we must understand that in the West religion and politics are placed in separate spheres; while normative Islam regards religion as properly integral to the political order. From this perspective religious concerns should have a place in statecraft; including the use of military force.Three questions form the heart of Johnson's inquiry: Is there a legitimate justification for war for religion? What authority is required? What is the proper conduct in such wars? In each case; he asks the question by comparing religious wars with other kinds of wars. The picture that emerges is of war for religion not as an expression of fanatical excess but as a controlled; purposeful activity. With an eye to the present day; Johnson examines cases in history where distinctive models of war for religion were implemented by rulers. This in turn sets the stage for critical judgment on contemporary appeals to the idea of jihad in relation to political aims.Well known for his work on peace and just war; Johnson draws upon a wide base of historical and comparative scholarship. While the book is anchored primarily on the past; on the roots and historical development of the two traditions; his aim throughout is to shed light on contemporary attitudes; ideals; and behaviors; especially as they bear on real problems that affect relations between Western and Islamic cultures in the world today.

#141081 in Books Josef Pieper 1966-03-31Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 7.90 x .60 x 5.40l; .74 #File Name: 0268001030248 pagesThe Four Cardinal Virtues Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance

48 of 48 people found the following review helpful. Don't let your enemies define you.By NeriSimply brilliant reading. Living naturally is what the crux of this book is all about.The book delves into ethics; civics; justice; philosophy; psychology; and I think it is a healthy tool for understanding classical literature: Shakespeare; for example; and the inner psychology of his characters as this moral plain; that Pieper describes; is so much closer to his than most of what we hear in our modernity.Pieper; here; spends time defining what the classic moral compass is; taken primarily from the last officially sanctioned church doctor St. Thomas Aquinas. Pieper brings Aquinas and other philosophers' language up to date; for the ears of the modern mind. Christianityfs definition has too much to do with how it's enemies; or alterior users; wish to define it and Pieper spends a short time correcting this in places.If you liked this you might like Pieper's Virtues of the Human Heart which is a bit less discriptive but more powerful.Pieper also makes the point that the most important stuggle is the internal struggle for meaning and direction in any organization or person.10 of 11 people found the following review helpful. Clearing a PathBy R. BonoTapping into the core of the western philosophical tradition; Pieper shows the reader how the ancient virtues of Prudence; Justice; Fortitude; and Temperance; have a universal and pressing contemporary application; in the world of human decision making....i.e.; the right thinking that clears a path ahead. Formulated out of the Greek; Roman; Hebrew; and Christian traditions; he reminds of their elemental spirtual basis in Faith; Hope; and Charity.He notes with special emphasis; the primacy of the Cardinal Virtue of Prudence; as the clear eyed and humanly perfectable; effort to take a hard; and as objective as possible; look; at the entire factual context of a decision. And; in one of the most beautiful chapters among many in this wonderful book; is Pieper's elucidation of how this caluclation is aligned and informed by the Spiritual Virtue of Charity.I find the book to be both a practical and a spiritual insight into human awareness itself.5 of 6 people found the following review helpful. Timeless virtues made accessible!By AchillesJoseph Pieper is one of the finest philosophers of the 20th century. The Four Cardinal Virtues is an indispensable resource for understanding the best of ethics gifted to us from antiquity. Joseph Pieper is a brilliant philosopher; all the more so because he makes the exposition of these hinge virtues accessible to us all; even those of us less adept at philosophical explications. Further; with this book; he draws the reader into deep waters in understanding the totality of what it truly means to be human. The illuminating relevancy of each argument and exposition is a joy to the mind because what he exposes to us is timeless.I agree with the other reviewer who suggests that this book be followed by Joseph Pieper's Faith; Love and Hope. I imagine a great writer could not overstate the value of these wonderful books; much less a novice like myself. If you want to learn about the true nature of the timeless virtues; get and read these books!

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