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The Devil's Diary: Alfred Rosenberg and the Stolen Secrets of the Third Reich

audiobook The Devil's Diary: Alfred Rosenberg and the Stolen Secrets of the Third Reich by Robert K. Wittman; David Kinney in History


A candid and insightful look at an era and a life through the eyes of one of the most remarkable Americans of the twentieth century; First Lady and humanitarian Eleanor Roosevelt.The daughter of one of New York’s most influential families; niece of Theodore Roosevelt; and wife of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Eleanor Roosevelt witnessed some of the most remarkable decades in modern history; as America transitioned from the Gilded Age; the Progressive Era; and the Depression to World War II and the Cold War.A champion of the downtrodden; Eleanor drew on her experience and used her role as First Lady to help those in need. Intimately involved in her husband’s political life; from the governorship of New York to the White House; Eleanor would eventually become a powerful force of her own; heading women’s organizations and youth movements; and battling for consumer rights; civil rights; and improved housing. In the years after FDR’s death; this inspiring; controversial; and outspoken leader would become a U.N. Delegate; chairman of the Commission on Human Rights; a newspaper columnist; Democratic party activist; world-traveler; and diplomat devoted to the ideas of liberty and human rights.This single volume biography brings her into focus through her own words; illuminating the vanished world she grew up; her life with her political husband; and the post-war years when she worked to broaden cooperation and understanding at home and abroad.The Autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt includes 16 pages of black-and-white photos.

#228946 in Books Robert K Wittman David Kinney 2016-03-29 2016-03-29Format: Deckle EdgeOriginal language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.00 x 1.57 x 6.00l; .0 #File Name: 0062319019528 pagesThe Devil s Diary Alfred Rosenberg and the Stolen Secrets of the Third Reich

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. AppreciatedBy Austin SternI read this book with great interest. Familiar with the basics of the story and remembering the time of the trials rather clearly; I reacquainted myself with the bones of the Nazi story...a tale of utmost depravity heretofore unknown in history to my knowledge. The systematic effort to exterminate a group of people the details of which go far beyond anything that is conceivable or acceptable is so hard to believe. I cannot say that. I enjoyed this book nought I am glad that I read it. Killing these monsters was in no way compensation for their. Rimes against humanity.2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. An aptly named history.By Christine W.Chilling; especially when you realize that we are talking about real people at a time not long past. A good reminder that there can be real evil among civilized people.2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Well written; a definite page turner. It also ...By gilda hurwitzWell written; a definite page turner. It also opened up and discussed a sector of Hitlers world that is largely forgotten and overlooked.

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