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The Chronicle of the Discovery and Conquest of Guinea. Written by Gomes Eannes de Azurara: Volume I. (Chapters I-XL) With an Introduction on the Life ... Chronicler (Hakluyt Society; First Series)

ebooks The Chronicle of the Discovery and Conquest of Guinea. Written by Gomes Eannes de Azurara: Volume I. (Chapters I-XL) With an Introduction on the Life ... Chronicler (Hakluyt Society; First Series) by Edgar Prestage in History


On July 6; 2003; four months after the United States invaded Iraq; former ambassador Joseph Wilson's now historic op-ed; "What I Didn't Find in Africa;" appeared in The New York Times. A week later; conservative pundit Robert Novak revealed in his newspaper column that Ambassador Wilson's wife; Valerie Plame Wilson; was a CIA operative. The public disclosure of that secret information spurred a federal investigation and led to the trial and conviction of Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff; Scooter Libby; and the Wilsons' civil suit against top officials of the Bush administration. Much has been written about the "Valerie Plame" story; but Valerie herself has been silent; until now. Some of what has been reported about her has been frighteningly accurate; serving as a pungent reminder to the Wilsons that their lives are no longer private. And some has been completely false -- distorted characterizations of Valerie and her husband and their shared integrity. Valerie Wilson retired from the CIA in January 2006; and now; not only as a citizen but as a wife and mother; the daughter of an Air Force colonel; and the sister of a U.S. marine; she sets the record straight; providing an extraordinary account of her training and experiences; and answers many questions that have been asked about her covert status; her responsibilities; and her life. As readers will see; the CIA still deems much of the detail of Valerie's story to be classified. As a service to readers; an afterword by national security reporter Laura Rozen provides a context for Valerie's own story. Fair Game is the historic and unvarnished account of the personal and international consequences of speaking truth to power.

#9664137 in Books 2010-07-28Original language:English #File Name: 1409413624240 pages


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