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The Bystander: John F. Kennedy and the Struggle for Black Equality

ebooks The Bystander: John F. Kennedy and the Struggle for Black Equality by Nick Bryant in History


The Diligent began her journey in Brittany in 1731; and Harms follows her along the African coast where her goods were traded for slaves; to Martinique where her captives were sold to work on sugar plantations. Harms brings to life a world in which slavery was a commerce carried out without qualms. He shows the gruesome details of daily life aboard a slave ship; as well as French merchants wrangling with their government for the right to traffic in slaves; African kings waging epic wars for control of European slave trading posts; and representatives of European governments negotiating the complicated politics of the Guinea coast to ensure a stead supply of labor for their countries' colonies. The Diligent is filled with rich stories that explain how the slave trade worked on all levels; from geopolitics to the rigging of ships.

#2027991 in Books 2006-05-29Ingredients: Example IngredientsOriginal language:EnglishPDF # 1 1.49 x 6.76 x 9.48l; #File Name: 0465008267576 pages

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five StarsBy Kathleen CarterGreat service2 of 8 people found the following review helpful. A JFK Page-TurnerBy G. CroftI came to this book from the standpoint of an observer with a general interest in American politics and history rather than from a purely academic standpoint.I have enjoyed it immensely having found it both detailed and informative reflecting exhaustive research. Nick Bryant gives a real insight into how civil rights fitted into the wider political ambitions of the Kennedy machine. Would Kennedy once in office be as true to the civil rights cause as his pre-election manoeuvrings suggested and if so; when; and what would be the catalyst? It is this question that made the book a real page-turner.0 of 3 people found the following review helpful. JFK and understanding the Black communityBy Andrew T. KilnAn interesting look at the junior JFK and how he shaped his view of the Black community and his understanding of how to move up in politics.

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