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The Brazos Introduction to Christian Spirituality

audiobook The Brazos Introduction to Christian Spirituality by Evan B. Howard in History


Civil war and conflict within countries is the most prevalent threat to peace and security in the opening decades of the twenty-first century. A pivotal factor in the escalation of tensions to open conflict is the role of elites in exacerbating tensions along identity lines by giving the ideological justification; moral reasoning; and call to violence. Between Terror and Tolerance examines the varied roles of religious leaders in societies deeply divided by ethnic; racial; or religious conflict. The chapters in this book explore cases when religious leaders have justified or catalyzed violence along identity lines; and other instances when religious elites have played a critical role in easing tensions or even laying the foundation for peace and reconciliation. This volume features thematic chapters on the linkages between religion; nationalism; and intolerance; transnational intra-faith conflict in the Shi'a-Sunni divide; and country case studies of societal divisions or conflicts in Egypt; Israel and Palestine; Kashmir; Lebanon; Nigeria; Northern Ireland; Sri Lanka; Sudan; and Tajikistan. The concluding chapter explores the findings and their implications for policies and programs of international non-governmental organizations that seek to encourage and enhance the capacity of religious leaders to play a constructive role in conflict resolution.

#647874 in Books Brazos Press 2008-08-15 2008-08-15Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 10.20 x 1.41 x 7.32l; 2.68 #File Name: 158743038X496 pagesISBN13: 9781587430381Condition: NewNotes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Tracking provided on most orders. Buy with Confidence! Millions of books sold!

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. We are not after solutions but GodBy CustomerI first encountered Evan Howard in Four Views on Christian Spirituality; where he served as the evangelical contributor. In The Brazos Introduction to Christian Spirituality he proves himself a master of not only evangelical spirituality but also Catholic and Orthodoxy spirituality. Indeed; one of the things I most appreciate about this work is its ecumenical spirit and irenic approach. It is comprehensive in both breadth and depth. And I appreciate the author’s recognition that “we are not after solutions” but “we are after God.”If the more than 400; large pages aren’t enough for you; the Looking Further section following each chapter is a treasure trove of recommended resources to be mined. And the Practicing Christian Spirituality exercises accompanying each chapter is intended to ensure “the text would be not merely illuminating or interesting but transforming.” In response to one these exercises I penned these words:“What does it feel like to love someone deeply? A significant other? Your children? What does it look like? You know them? Really know them. And you want to spend time with them. Laughing with them. Crying with them. Caring for them; deeply. Helping with anything they need. Showering them with gifts they don't need. Protecting them. Forgiving them. And always assuming the best; of course. Sort of like loving and caring for ourselves. What would it mean to love your neighbors like that?Most merciful God; we confess that we have sinned against you in thought; word; and deed; by what we have done; and by what we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We are truly sorry and we humbly repent. For the sake of your Son Jesus Christ; have mercy on us and forgive us; that we may delight in your will; and walk in your ways; to the glory of your Name. Amen” (The Book of Common Prayer).I connected with Howard via social media and even had a phone conversation with him. He’s willing to lead to facilitate an online study of the book if enough people are interested. Yes; it’s that important. So please help spread the word!I do have two minor gripes with the book. First; I would like to see more emphasis on the “ordinary” means of grace; the word and sacraments; catechesis; and confirmation. Second; though I’m treat my books with tender loving care; already after one reading the binding has broken down and pages are falling out.Finally; to illustrate the breadth and depth of this must-read; here are the section headings; which are not included in ’s Look Inside:1. Introducing Christian Spirituality What Is Christian Spirituality? Distinguishing Terms Forms of Christian Spirituality Trends in Christian Spirituality The Foundations of Christian Spirituality Christian Spirituality’s Big Issues2. Exploring Christian Spirituality The Study of Christian Spirituality as Inter-Disciplinary Exploration Personal Experience: Living Faith; Hearing Truth Holy Scripture: Mediating Faith; Speaking Truth Informal Relationships: Discovering Perspectives and Models Close at Hand Christian History: Discovering Perspectives and Models at a Distance Theology and Philosophy: Unified Viewpoints Related to Traditional Communities The Human Sciences: Insights and Specificity3. Human Experience Understanding Experience Embodied Soul/Mind/Self/Spirit The Operations and Systems of Human Experience The Process and Stages of Human Experience The Web of Relationships The Depth Dimension of Human Experience Developing and Unique4. The God of Christian Spirituality Introducing the Christian God Self-Existent Trinity The One Who Transcends and Is Present in Time and Space The One Who Is Actively Present The Operations of God: The Ways of Analogy and Experience Names and Images of God The One With Whom We Struggle The One Who Transcends: The Way of Negation and Apophatic Spirituality5. Christian Experience The Greatness of Human Experience The Tragedy of Human Experience The Restoration of Human Experience6. The Divine-Human Relationship What Is a Relationship? What Do We See When We Look at the Divine-Human Relationship? A Wide Range of Diversity Fundamental Patterns of Relationship with God7. Christian Transformation Introducing Christian Transformation The Character of Christian Transformation The Length of Christian Transformation The Breadth of Christian Transformation The Depth of Christian Transformation8. Christian Spiritual Formation Introducing Christian Spiritual Formation Basic Principles of Christian Spiritual Formation The Contexts and Agents of Christian Spiritual Formation The Aims of Christian Spiritual Formation The Task of Christian Spiritual Formation The Means of Christian Spiritual Formation9. The Life of Prayer Introducing Christian Prayer The Ways of Christian Prayer The Dynamics of Christian Prayer The Effects of Prayer A Life of Prayer10. The Life of Care The Character of Christian Care The Elements and Contexts of Christian Care The Dynamics of Christian Care The Ways of Christian Care A Life of Care11. Christian Discernment What Is Christian Discernment? Preparation for Discernment Recognizing the Presence and Action of God Discerning the Next Step: God’s Will and the Movement to Action The Life of Discernment12. The Renewal of Christian Spirituality The Language of Christian Renewal Foundations of the Renewal of Christian Spirituality A Select History of Christian Renewal The Breadth of Christian Renewal The Dynamics of Christian Renewal The Renewal of Christian Spirituality: Looking Forward0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. In its ecumenical and historical exploration of the faith; ...By elizabeth zarubinIn its ecumenical and historical exploration of the faith; this book is an invitation to inch closer to the same God who has spoken through all of history in various ways through various movements and individuals. I feel Evan speaks from his heart; spirit; mind and will; and so I am engaged on the same levels. The book reads as if written from passionate processing of hundreds of diverse and historical writers. It is not just academic though it is supremely scholarly; it is not it is not just for the mind; but for the soul. This is one of the few books I've read where to open it is to be invited to marvel at and savor a holy God.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. The Brazos Intro to Christian SpiritualityBy Michael BurdziakEvan Howard's Introduction to Christian Spirituality makes a strong contribution to the many offerings in this field. By including Catholic; Orthodox; and Protestant perspectives; Howard's ecumenical approach provides a comprehensive tool for educating those will limited understanding in this area. His reflective exercises; included at the end of each chapter; provide readers opportunities to connect themes from the Christian tradition with their own developing spiritualities. I highly recommended this introductory work to educators and to those seeking greater understanding of the importance of spirituality for faith development.

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