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Tamil Grammar Self-Taught in Tamil and Roman Characters

ePub Tamil Grammar Self-Taught in Tamil and Roman Characters by Martino De Zilva Wickremasinghe in History


Groomed in a modern academic tradition and post-Enlightenment ideals of creative freedom and social critique; Sri Aurobindo (1872-1950) turned his attention to yoga and the limits of consciousness in its ability to relate to and transform nature. In the process; he documented scrupulously his experiments and experiences based on a synergistic existential framework of practice. Debashish Banerji correlates the approach to yoga Sri Aurobindo took in his diaries with his later writings; to derive a description of human subjectivity and its powers. Banerji constellates Sri Aurobindo's approach with transpersonal psychology and contemporary lineages of phenomenology and ontology; to develop a transformative yoga psychology redefining the boundaries and possibilities of the human and opening up lines of self-practice towards a wholeness of being and becoming. Both scholar and Yogi; Aurobindo (1872-1950) carefully documented the unfolding of spiritual consciousness starting shortly after his deep revelatory experiences while in prison in 1908. His observations were recently published in a two volume set; The Record of Yoga. Debashish Banerji has analyzed this work and offers a detailed; clear; systematic and inspirational interpretation of how the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo may be understood and practiced. -- From the `Foreword' of Prof. Christopher Key Chapple Doshi Professor of Indic and Comparative Theology Loyola Marymount University; Los Angeles; (USA)

2013-05-20Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 8.27 x .30 x 5.83l; .38 #File Name: 5518493126126 pages


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