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Stay Safe Buddy: A Story of Humor and Horror During the Korean War

PDF Stay Safe Buddy: A Story of Humor and Horror During the Korean War by J. Charles Cheek in History


A warm; intimate account of the love between Eleanor Roosevelt and reporter Lorena Hickok—a relationship that; over more than three decades; transformed both women's lives and empowered them to play significant roles in one of the most tumultuous periods in American historyIn 1932; as her husband assumed the presidency; Eleanor Roosevelt entered the claustrophobic; duty-bound existence of the First Lady with dread. By that time; she had put her deep disappointment in her marriage behind her and developed an independent life—now threatened by the public role she would be forced to play. A lifeline came to her in the form of a feisty campaign reporter for the Associated Press: Lorena Hickok. Over the next thirty years; until Eleanor’s death; the two women carried on an extraordinary relationship: They were; at different points; lovers; confidantes; professional advisors; and caring friends.They couldn't have been more different. Eleanor had been raised in one of the nation’s most powerful political families and was introduced to society as a debutante before marrying her distant cousin; Franklin. Hick; as she was known; had grown up poor in rural South Dakota and worked as a servant girl after she escaped an abusive home; eventually becoming one of the most respected reporters at the AP. Her admiration drew the buttoned-up Eleanor out of her shell; and the two quickly fell in love. For the next thirteen years; Hick had her own room at the White House; next door to the First Lady.These fiercely compassionate women inspired each other to right the wrongs of the turbulent era in which they lived. During the Depression; Hick reported from the nation’s poorest areas for the WPA; and Eleanor used these reports to lobby her husband for New Deal programs. Hick encouraged Eleanor to turn their frequent letters into her popular and long-lasting syndicated column "My Day;" and to befriend the female journalists who became her champions. When Eleanor’s tenure as First Lady ended with FDR's death; Hick pushed her to continue to use her popularity for good—advice Eleanor took by leading the UN’s postwar Human Rights Commission. At every turn; the bond these women shared was grounded in their determination to better their troubled world. Deeply researched and told with great warmth; Eleanor and Hick is a vivid portrait of love and a revealing look at how an unlikely romance influenced some of the most consequential years in American history.

#3427524 in Books 2003-05-28Ingredients: Example IngredientsOriginal language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.02 x .67 x 5.98l; #File Name: 159286631X298 pages

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Stay Safe; BuddyBy James RoweOne evening at; 11:30 PM; I decided I would read a bit on Stay Safe; Buddy. At 3:30 AM my eyes were blurring so I had to put the book down. I could not wait to get back to the book. I really enjoyed reading Stay Safe; Buddy and experienced a wide range of emotions from tears to "belly laughs" as Lefter called them.At one point in my military service I was Officer In Charge of the Classified Message Center at Division Artillery and Crypto Custodian. As a result; I could identify with many of the characters in the book; their jobs and the situations which were so realistically portrayed. The author revealed to us a part of the military combat situation that is seldom discussed because of it's security nature. It was a story that needed to be told and the author did a magnificent job of letting us in on combat experience in Korea. This book is a must read for any Korean Vet or any Vet for that matter.I recently read a newspaper article about a group of Infantrymen leaving their unit position on a patrol. As they parted one of the troopers hollered; "Stay Safe; Buddy" so the expression is still alive in the combat zone.I can't even imagine the emotions the author went through while recalling his experiences. My thanks for him doing so.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A Truly Amazing Story That Keeps You MovingBy MWLA ReviewOn the promise that he won't see combat; John Lefter enlists for a 3 year hitch in the Army Security Agency. I guess; since we are talking about the Army; you know what happens. He ends up in Korea. It doesn't take long until Lefter is in a bunker real close to the front lines. A lot of things happen then and most of them were not good. Once I started Stay Safe Buddy; I had trouble putting it down. I went everywhere with Lefter. I shared a lot of his pain and hangovers. I even shared his hatred for Major Soss. This is a great tale of the way things were during the Korean conflict; or war or whatever you want to call it. Just read it! Recommendation: HIGHLY RECOMMENDEDTim Hancock is the Director of MWLA; a Reviewer and Author0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Semper Fi; BuddyBy John C. CheekDear J. Charles:Just finished reading our book "Stay Safe; Buddy." Enjoyed it immensely. Having spent 14 months over there with 1st Weapons Company and then Chalie Company; 1st Marine Division; I could visualize the terrain as I read. My wife thought I was nuts beacause I would suddenly break out laughing in the middle of the night. I could see many of my buddies in similar circumstances.Having been a Corpsman wht the Marines; I can visualize myself as Doc Teele except that I wouldn't know what to do as a full bird colonel.Again; Thanks for writing the book. It made me remember.Semper Fi; Buddy.John "Doc Steele"

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