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Song of the Crow: Chloe Dee Noble ~ Little Southern Book (Volume 3)

audiobook Song of the Crow: Chloe Dee Noble ~ Little Southern Book (Volume 3) by Chloe Dee Noble in History


The true; detailed; and complete biography of Alexander Hamilton; a remarkable Founding Father who inspired the hit Broadway musical Hamilton! Award-winning biographer Florian Hewitt delivers a riveting and unforgettable account of Alexander Hamilton; the visionary Founding Father who electrified a young nation in its formative years. With a mix of leadership; scandal; and political savvy; Hamilton forever left his mark on the United States of America. In this full-length biography of Alexander Hamilton; Florian Hewitt tells the spellbinding tale of a man who lead a newborn America through its earliest struggles; victories; and growing pains. Florian Hewitt’s Alexander Hamilton has been recognized as among the best biographies of Alexander Hamilton ever written and a text that will define Hamilton’s legacy in the modern era for generations to come. Perhaps no other figure throughout the history of America has been more frequently misunderstood or as politically polarizing as Alexander Hamilton. Florian Hewitt slavishly adheres to the facts of Hamilton’s life and forever sets out the true account of Alexander Hamilton; his political values; his economic convictions; and his lasting legacy as a proponent of ideas that were widely disputed in his time but have been largely vindicated by history. Florian Hewitt’s treatment of Alexander Hamilton is detailed and far-reaching; describing a life of uncertainty; instability; and improbability. Beginning his time on earth as an illegitimate orphan in the West Indies; Hamilton would go on to surprise everyone and surpass any conceivable expectation of his prospects in life. The trusted right-hand man of George Washington; the co-author of the pivotal Federalist Papers; and the founder of the Bank of New York; Hamilton would go on to lead the Federalist Party; and cement his place in American history as the country’s first Treasury Secretary. It is typical for American history to be taught as a victory of Jefferson’s democratic values over the stuffy aristocracy favored by Hamilton. Relentlessly focused on the facts; Hewitt crafts a biography of a man that shows an entirely different side of the story. Hamilton was motivated not by his own selfish interests but by a vision of a better; more powerful America with enduring prosperity for all. The real-life account of Hamilton that is set out here is a full and complete picture of a man who had his flaws and scandals; including his torrid affair with Maria Reynolds; but who was also deeply patriotic and willing to publicly clash with anyone in the name of crafting a better nation; from Jefferson; to Adams; to Madison; to Burr; Hamilton would shy away from no battle. Never has a more complete biography of Alexander Hamilton been published; and through Hewitt’s telling of his life; the reader can truly see the birth of what would become the world’s greatest superpower through the eyes of this remarkable Founding Father. At a time of greater polarization and political instability than the United States has seen in generations; Hewitt’s biography reminds contemporary readers of the function and wisdom of our public institutions; the values that have defined us as a nation; and what it truly means to be an American. Hewitt’s treatment of the life of Alexander Hamilton is exhilarating; informative; unforgettable; and second to none.

#7851716 in Books 2016-08-02Original language:English 7.81 x .13 x 5.06l; .14 #File Name: 153686562154 pages


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