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Sinoland: The Subversion of Freedom's Bastion

PDF Sinoland: The Subversion of Freedom's Bastion by H. John Poole; Foreword by Gen. Anthony C. Zinni USMC (Ret.) in History


The Curtiss SOC Seagull was a United States single-engine scout observation biplane aircraft; designed by Alexander Solla of the Curtiss-Wright Corporation for the United States Navy. The aircraft served on battleships and cruisers in a seaplane configuration; being launched by catapult and recovered from a sea landing. The wings folded back against the fuselage for storage aboard ship. When based ashore or on carriers the single float was replaced by fixed wheeled landing gear.

#1289623 in Books 2016-10-31 2016-10-31Original language:English 8.25 x 5.50 x 1.25l; #File Name: 0981865984467 pages

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Americans should not be complacent or alarmist but very aware of China's goals and methods in the world.By CustomerWell written - clear and succinct; easy to read; cited sources well-respected.All Americans should be aware of China's growing influence --- in some cases obvious but often not --- on the U.S. economy; in our daily lives; and throughout the world.This book is NOT about a secret plot. It is about grand plans of which China's leaders talk openly and publicly. They intend to dominate the world and in the process feed and grow their own country. Generally peaceful economic means are used to achieve their goals but not when the country of concern is close to or along China's borders. Then actual military force or threats thereof of have been or may be used; e.g.; South China Sea.Of special concern is how China has affected and can affect U.S. national security by various; seemingly peaceful; means; which John Poole explains well.Discussion about appropriate actions the U.S. should take about China's influence is sorely needed.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. This book sheds light onto something that China hoped you'd never see.By Jessica RobinsonSinoland is H. John Poole's latest book which gives Americans a warning about the influence of Communist China in our world. On the surface China is an ally and strong trade partner however Poole exposes the psychological; legal; and public opinion fronts where China has the intent of fundamentally reshaping the US. Their goal is to weaken us until we are no longer a threat to their ultimate objectives.Recently it is becoming difficult for the average American to tell the difference between propaganda and real news. Avid readers of Poole's books will know he sticks to verifiable facts and gives cites reliable sources. Sinoland exposes eye opening comparisons to how our democratic institutions are being slowly molded into those reminiscent of the Chinese Communist regime. Poole warns us about how the Chinese have the ability to cripple our banking; our telecommunications; and our infrastructure. They have driven our media and affected our national security as well. Reliance on inexpensive Chinese food and medicine have a direct and often detrimental impact on our health.Reading Sinoland may make you uncomfortable and it should. There is nothing acceptable about an America weakened by an unrestricted warfare infiltrating our various industries; our politics; and our way of life. This is a type of warfare which China has waged on other countries and has been successful in doing so. H. John Poole has done us a service by illuminating the devious Communist Chinese forces at work. Sinoland will open your eyes to something that our enemies hoped you'd never see.Sinoland is not all doom and gloom as H. John Poole does give us a ray of hope at the end. We have the ability to prevent our subversion but the first step is understanding how in face we are being undermined. This is a must-read for all Americans especially those concerned about our future as a nation.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Every American should read this book but especially our newspapers and the Senate and Congress it's a real eye-openerBy baddogWake up America you're under attack!! But not with tanks and guns like in red Dawn That's a whole other style warfare fourth generation warfare it's calledand we're losing badly

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