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Sing Not War: The Lives of Union and Confederate Veterans in Gilded Age America (Civil War America)

ebooks Sing Not War: The Lives of Union and Confederate Veterans in Gilded Age America (Civil War America) by James Marten in History


During the Civil War; Americans confronted profound moral problems about how to fight in the conflict. In this innovative book; D. H. Dilbeck reveals how the Union sought to wage a just war against the Confederacy. He shows that northerners fought according to a distinct "moral vision of war;" an array of ideas about the nature of a truly just and humane military effort. Dilbeck tells how Union commanders crafted rules of conduct to ensure their soldiers defeated the Confederacy as swiftly as possible while also limiting the total destruction unleashed by the fighting. Dilbeck explores how Union soldiers abided by official just-war policies as they battled guerrillas; occupied cities; retaliated against enemy soldiers; and came into contact with Confederate civilians.In contrast to recent scholarship focused solely on the Civil War's carnage; Dilbeck details how the Union sought both to deal sternly with Confederates and to adhere to certain constraints. The Union's earnest effort to wage a just war ultimately helped give the Civil War its distinct character; a blend of immense destruction and remarkable restraint.

#1280211 in Books James Marten 2014-12-01 2014-12-01Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.13 x .88 x 6.06l; .0 #File Name: 1469622025352 pagesSing Not War The Lives of Union and Confederate Veterans in Gilded Age America Civil War America

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Very interestingBy Rick D. Hufftreatment of our veterans after they returned home at the conclusion of the Civil War. There are many parallels to what is going on today with our returning veterans.16 of 16 people found the following review helpful. Being a Civil War VetBy James W. DurneyAmerican mythology states that veterans of "good wars" reenter society with almost no problems. These veterans ennobled by their service and loved by a grateful nation live out their lives as a national treasure. The American Civil War is one of America's "good wars" and the veterans enjoyed the benefits of such.History is full of soldiers but silent on veterans. Very very few books look at their experiences after the war; how active service affected them and societies reaction to them. This book looks at veterans of the Civil War; how they readjusted; how society saw them and how they saw themselves. The majority of the book is devoted to Union Veterans. They are the ones that have "saved" their country and a government that is the beneficiary of their service. This government has the ability to compensate and care for them.For about 70 years; the care and compensation of Union veterans is the major item in the Federal budget. Becoming a major expense creates political and social problems. Much of the book is devoted to these problems and their impact on society. In effect; Union veterans became the beneficiary of America's first old age pension system. Society's gratitude for "saving the country" became uncertain as expenses increase. This is not new history but the author presents multiple views resulting in a fresh approach.During Reconstruction; disable Confederate veterans depend on local charity to survive. As the South rebuilds; the states provide small pensions and homes for their needy veterans. While never as generous as the Union system; these were welcome supplements. The Southern veteran occupies a unique position as the embodiment of "The Lost Cause"; a living monument. This feeling coupled with the lack of a pension system excused many of their problems. The book is very successful in showing the contrast between public perceptions of veterans in the years following the war.The author is careful to state that the majority of veterans readjust with minimal problems and lead productive lives. This is as true today as it was 145 years ago. However; most men have some problems and a few have serious ones. The men with serious problems are most likely to be noticed and recorded. The Civil War is no exception and the book looks at multiple serious problems during the Gilded Age. Hard statistics do not exist but derogatory references abound. Good scholarship allows us to draw a realistic picture of maimed men grinding street organs or begging in doorways. Drunks in old blue coats or addicts are common enough to become stock characters.Old age creates a new set of disabilities and swindlers with the expansion of the pension system. The two periods when "agents" abound are right after the war and when the majority enter old age. Things have changed less than we like to think. Money tends to bring out the worst in people. This is as true then as now.This is an excellent book; well written and very readable. What could be a dry subject takes on a life of its' own. The author keeps the story moving; marshals his facts and never becomes judgmental.

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