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SLAVERY AND LINCOLN'S Unnecessary; Unconstitutional; Uncivil WAR and Aftermath

ebooks SLAVERY AND LINCOLN'S Unnecessary; Unconstitutional; Uncivil WAR and Aftermath by Spencer Gantt in History


Systematically illustrates the inescapable racism of American conservatism. In this provocative; wide-ranging study; Robert C. Smith contends that ideological conservatism and racism are and always have been equivalent in the United States. In this carefully constructed and thoroughly documented philosophical; historical; and empirical inquiry; Smith analyzes conservative ideas from John Locke to William F. Buckley Jr.; as well as the parallels between the rise and decline of the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1970s and the ascendancy of the conservative movement to national power in 1980. Using archival material from the Reagan Library; the book includes detailed analysis of the Reagan presidency and race; focusing on affirmative action; the Voting Rights Act; the Grove City case; welfare reform; South Africa policy; and the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. Conservatism and Racism; and Why in America They Are the Same goes beyond a focus on the right wing; concluding with an analysis of the enduring impact of the conservative movement and the Reagan presidency on liberalism; race; and the Democratic Party.

#4215660 in Books 2010-03-31Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 8.50 x .47 x 5.51l; .58 #File Name: 1432753681224 pages

4 of 6 people found the following review helpful. "Why Lincoln Chose War" - A good read - Challenge the Lincoln MythBy Chad E. StevensI just finished; "Why Lincoln Chose War" and felt moved to post my thoughts.First off; I have read dozens of books on Lincoln and even more on the War between the Federal Government and the Confederate States.This book is well worth the time and money for someone why seeks to learn more about Lincoln the man and his descsions that lead this country from Republic to Empire.I frequently speak on the topic and love use another of Spencer's works; "SLAVERY AND LINCOLN'S Unnecessary; Unconstitutional; Uncivil WAR and Aftermath" as a quick reference guide. "Why Lincoln Chose War" will be another.The timeline that lead to the showdown over Fort Sumter and Fort Pickens is extremely enlightening for those not familiar with them. It clearly lays out the evidence that Lincoln pushed hard for anything that would give him a pre-text for invasion and war.The book also discusses some of Lincoln's dictatorial actions in consolidating power in the Union and imposing a police state there. The book is not a complete list of Lincoln's crimes; as it would likely be too heavy to carry by all by the very strongest person.If you are looking for a book that will challenge the Lincoln Myth and introduce you to a new view of Lincoln; you would do well to pick this one up. If you already know much about Lincoln; this book is still a great value and an enjoyable read.19 of 26 people found the following review helpful. Read and Learn More About Real HistoryBy jwhThis book is well researched and well written. Not only will you learn more about slavery and the unCivil War; but also about how history has been "adjusted" and rewritten over the past 150 years. For those who consider Honest Abe to be a hero and a patriot - read this book. It might make you change your opinion. Gantt shows how we have gone from a group of proud States; loosely united under a central government - where a man was a Virginian or a Carolinian or a Texan first; to a society where our federal government has become all knowing and all powerful and continues to try to force all individuals into a common mold.Most of all; this book is factual. It's not a book meant to be read and tossed aside. It's not an attempt to force one man's thoughts. It simply provides verifiable facts and asks the reader to think rather than to blindly accept cleansed versions of history. After reading it; you will.18 of 25 people found the following review helpful. The truth is eye openingBy sThomasThis book does a wonderful job of laying out the truth with well researched facts and plausable scenarios. Facts that I; like most people; was never exposed. It is very troubling that all the history books and history programming chooses to ignore these facts. I also like that the book doesn't make excuses for slavery or try to whitewash the inhumanity of it. It just sets the record straight about the motivation and responsibility being shared by many people and not just a few in the south. Just as today some people will sell their soul for money. The book also challenges you to do your own research and come to your own conclusions. Something we should all aspire to do.

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