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Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood (Pantheon Graphic Novels)

ebooks Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood (Pantheon Graphic Novels) by Marjane Satrapi in History


A New York Times 2016 Notable BookA major new biography—an extraordinary; penetrating study of the man who has become the personification of evil.“Ullrich reveals Hitler to have been an eminently practical politician—and frighteningly so. Timely… One of the best works on Hitler and the origins of the Third Reich to appear in recent years.” —Kirkus Reviews“An outstanding study… All the huge; and terrible moments of the early Nazi era are dissected…but the real strength of this book is in disentangling the personal story of man and monster.” —The Guardian (U.K.) For all the literature about Adolf Hitler there have been just four seminal biographies; this is the fifth; a landmark work that sheds important new light on Hitler himself. Drawing on previously unseen papers and a wealth of recent scholarly research; Volker Ullrich reveals the man behind the public persona; from Hitler's childhood to his failures as a young man in Vienna to his experiences during the First World War to his rise as a far-right party leader. Ullrich deftly captures Hitler's intelligence; instinctive grasp of politics; and gift for oratory as well as his megalomania; deep insecurity; and repulsive worldview. Many previous biographies have focused on the larger social conditions that explain the rise of the Third Reich. Ullrich gives us a comprehensive portrait of a postwar Germany humiliated by defeat; wracked by political crisis; and starved by an economic depression; but his real gift is to show vividly how Hitler used his ruthlessness and political talent to shape the Nazi party and lead it to power. For decades the world has tried to grasp how Hitler was possible. By focusing on the man at the center of it all; on how he experienced his world; formed his political beliefs; and wielded power; this riveting biography brings us closer than ever to the answer.Translated from the German by Jefferson Chase.

#1429 in Books Pantheon 2004-06-01 2004-06-01Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 8.84 x .51 x 6.01l; .33 #File Name: 037571457X160 pagesGreat product!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. The artwork itself was an amazing representation of her progression and self discovery in such ...By JacobThe story itself; an autobiography in a very artistic form; is very fascinating and deep. The story follows this girl's journey in discovering herself and life; the ways of the world. The perspective of the journey is only intensified by the fact she was being raised in middle of revolutions and wars. The terrifying aspect of this was watching as she was convinced; re-convinced then “corrected” by adults on how to think; and believe.The artwork itself was an amazing representation of her progression and self discovery in such dark times and horrible experiences. The artwork in time; especially nearing the end started to lighten up; however the constant overall tone is darkness; a twisted perception I believe is likely the result of living and growing up with war; oppression and death a constant companion.The art style is completely unique to me; someone who reads lots of comics; manga and watches many forms of cinema. This dark style really drives the emotional; political; religious and human aspects of this person life experiences deep into my mind.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Great story in a beautiful packageBy ParmathuleI have the original hardcover versions of these books; and purchased this set for a friend. It's an attractive package with the box; which makes the softcover versions look a little spiffier.I'm not a huge fan of the graphic novel; but Persepolis and its sequel; Persepolis 2; I can recommend wholeheartedly. The illustrations are a stark black and white which set the perfect tone for this story of one woman's experience of the Islamic revolution in Iran. Satrapi's account of how the new theocracy affected her family and changed the course of her life is depressing; but fascinating. Many memorable characters (including herself!) are brought vividly to life despite the constraints of the graphic novel format; and Satrapi brings a wonderful wit and humor to this tale of woe that keep it from becoming too grim.The first volume focuses on Satrapi's rebellious childhood and the integrity and courage of the extended family members who inspired her. One can only hope that Iran has many more girls like her who will ultimately be the downfall of the current misogynistic regime.The second volume in Satrapi's coming of age tale begins with her family sending her to Europe to continue her education. Being away from her family for the first time; adjusting to a new culture; and struggling with the universal adolescent identity crisis are the focus here. There are painful moments; poignant moments and hilarious moments.Over the course of the two volumes of Persepolis; Satrapi shows us her metamorphosis from rebellious child to crazy; mixed-up youth; to strong cosmopolitan woman. It's a great story in a beautiful package.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. MesmerizingBy Dana PellegrinoThis book was completely mesmerizing. I just wanted to keep reading it until I finished. Satrapi's black and white illustrations really draw you in; and something about their simplicity works well with the story. Other reviews describe this a bit better than I do.I only wish I understood politics a bit more; as that part of the story was a bit harder for me to comprehend. If you're in that same boat; I would recommend reading up a bit on Iran's political history to help with that.

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