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Passionate Minds: Emilie du Chatelet; Voltaire; and the Great Love Affair of the Enlightenment

ebooks Passionate Minds: Emilie du Chatelet; Voltaire; and the Great Love Affair of the Enlightenment by David Bodanis in History


What if you were told that the revered leader Abraham Lincoln was actually a political tyrant who stifled his opponents by suppressing their civil rights? What if you learned that the man so affectionately referred to as the “Great Emancipator” supported white supremacy and pledged not to interfere with slavery in the South? Would you suddenly start to question everything you thought you knew about Lincoln and his presidency?You should.Thomas J. DiLorenzo; who ignited a fierce debate about Lincoln’s legacy with his book The Real Lincoln; now presents a litany of stunning new revelations that explode the most enduring (and pernicious) myths about our sixteenth president. Marshaling an astonishing amount of new evidence; Lincoln Unmasked offers an alarming portrait of a political manipulator and opportunist who bears little resemblance to the heroic; stoic; and principled figure of mainstream history. Did you know that Lincoln . . .• did NOT save the union? In fact; Lincoln did more than any other individual to destroy the voluntary union the Founding Fathers recognized.• did NOT want to free the slaves? Lincoln; who did not believe in equality of the races; wanted the Constitution to make slavery “irrevocable.” • was NOT a champion of the Constitution? Contrary to his high-minded rhetoric; Lincoln repeatedly trampled on the Constitution—and even issued an arrest warrant for the chief justice of the United States! • was NOT a great statesman? Lincoln was actually a warmonger who manipulated his own people into a civil war.• did NOT utter many of his most admired quotations? DiLorenzo exposes a legion of statements that have been falsely attributed to Lincoln for generations—usually to enhance his image. In addition to detailing Lincoln’s offenses against the principles of freedom; equality; and states’ rights; Lincoln Unmasked exposes the vast network of academics; historians; politicians; and other “gatekeepers” who have sanitized his true beliefs and willfully distorted his legacy. DiLorenzo reveals how the deification of Lincoln reflects a not-so-hidden agenda to expand the size and scope of the American state far beyond what the Founding Fathers envisioned—an expansion that Lincoln himself began.The hagiographers have shaped Lincoln’s image to the point that it has become more fiction than fact. With Lincoln Unmasked; DiLorenzo shows us an Abraham Lincoln without the rhetoric; lies; and political bias that have clouded a disastrous president’s enduring damage to the nation.From the Hardcover edition.

#350281 in Books David Bodanis 2007-10-02 2007-10-02Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 8.00 x .90 x 5.20l; .66 #File Name: 0307237214392 pagesPassionate Minds Emilie du Chatelet Voltaire and the Great Love Affair of the Enlightenment

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. If you love history; romanceBy JSBThis was my first exposure to Voltaire and to Madam Chatelet. What a thrilling ride! I come away with enormous respect for both of their contributions to science and philosophy; but with special admiration for M. Chatelet and for what she managed to accomplish when women were trapped in social anonymity. If you love history; romance; mathematics; science; intrigue; and/or philosophy; this is a must read.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Sheds terrific light on early 18th century FranceBy cyberstuA worthy read. Sheds terrific light on early 18th century France; particularly the role of women. Du Chatelet is a fascinating character who needs to be more widely recognized for her role in framing Newton's work in a more understandable light and in setting the framework for later developments. And the book also provides for a most readable biography of Voltaire.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Fascinating look at a great thinker who was born ahead of her timeBy sheri robeyVery intriguing look at this brilliant woman who was seeking answers to deep questions of life and how things work while also seeking companionship and acceptance on a personal level. Her ability to overcome the conventions of her time and the restrictions put on her by virtue of merely being a woman make her quite a role model. She was supportive of Voltaire and encouraged him to become more than he may have become on his own; until his own selfish behavior pushed her away and they continued on as close friends until her death. An unusual couple with fascinating lives.

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