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Parsis: The Zoroastrians of India - A Photographic Journey

DOC Parsis: The Zoroastrians of India - A Photographic Journey by Sooni Taraporevala in History


A celebration of the long history; rich art and cultural traditions of the Celts. One of the oldest traditions in Europe; this ancient culture is still a thriving force in the modern world through Celtic art; music; writing and spirituality. Nigel Pennick's text describes how the Celtic tradition has developed and progressed over the centuries; from its origins in Europe to the living heritage it is today. This illustrated volume provides a source of material on every aspect of Celtic culture including lifestyle and society; mythology and folklore; as well as Celtic spirituality and what it can offer in the new millennium.

2004-12Original language:English #File Name: 0715633260252 pages

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Beautiful bookBy sbzesqSuch an interesting and informative book. Lovely pictures of a society that sadly seems to be dying out.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five StarsBy DhanaBeautiful book.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Wonderful book!!!By K. McCormickThe book is full of wonderful pictures and stories.Rarely do you find a book of the quality for the price.Highly recommended for those who are Parsi; interested in Parsis; or Zoroastrianism.

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