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No Longer Silent: The Empowerment of Women in the Gospels

PDF No Longer Silent: The Empowerment of Women in the Gospels by Susan D. Matthews in History


The compelling story of the Second Vermont Brigade and its vital role at Gettysburg (more than any other brigade they determined the fate of the battle) fills a significant gap in the history of America's Civil War. "A Vermont brigade held the key position at Gettysburg and did more than any other body of men to gain the triumph which decided the fate of the Union;" the New York Times reported soon after the historic battle over the Fourth of July; 1863. The citizen soldiers of General George J. Stannard's Second Vermont Brigade; only a few days short of their nine-month enlistments; occupied a sector of Cemetery Ridge; helped stabilize the line; and then shattered the right flank of Pickett's famous charge just when the outcome of the battle hung in the balance. In this unique eye-witness account; Coffin draws on scores of soldiers' letters to relate how and why young recruits from isolated hill farms flocked to the Union colors in response to Lincoln's call in 1862. During the nine months leading up to their rendezvous with destiny at Gettysburg; they recorded; in humorous detail; foraging for food; and; in more sober terms; enduring homesickness; monotony; and often fatal diseases. We share; too; their anxieties as they are thrust suddenly into the most important infantry maneuver directed against the Confederate assault.

#1102248 in Books 2011-09-15Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 7.90 x .70 x 5.90l; .90 #File Name: 0879464704256 pages

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. A Call to Inner AuthenticityBy Jane ZimmermanNo Longer Silent is a very readable book with short vignettes; told by various Gospel women as they search within themselves for lives of greater authenticity. Susan Matthews skillfully takes us into their milieu and invites us to see through their eyes what we are often too busy to notice.The women come alive as they rejoice; struggle and rediscover what they intuitively knew all along: that they are loved as they are by our God. Indeed; they emerge in familiar ways for today's women; as they are changed by their encounters with Jesus who affirms and accepts and embraces them as beloved of God and bearers of wisdom.The questions following each woman's story invite us to go deeper inside ourselves where we and God meet; - where we are gently invited to see our lives from the perspective of the inner eyes of the heart.It is clear that Matthews writes from the stance of her own contemplative life; far removed from the everyday rationalizations of the head; deep into the heart of the matter. She invites and challenges us to do the same.Not only is this book valuable for individual prayer and meditation; it is also an excellent tool for use with groups committed to their own inner growth!0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Great book----everyone who is interested in the BibleBy Lindia SpeerGreat book----everyone who is interested in the Bible; women's rights; and having a personal relationship with our Lord should read this book. Very enlightening to the way women were treated in the past as well as how they are treated today. A must for anyone who cares about other people..1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Finally - the feelings and thoughts of the female followers of Jesus.By Joseph C. Spina; OSFDifferent approach to some of the names we have known for a long time. It's about time the female voice is heard.We; in the Ecumenical Catholic Communion; welcome all into ordained ministry - some of our best clergy people are women.Walk in the footsteps of the Nazareth Carpenter realizing no one is excluded from His table.

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