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Neighboring Faiths: Christianity; Islam; and Judaism in the Middle Ages and Today

audiobook Neighboring Faiths: Christianity; Islam; and Judaism in the Middle Ages and Today by David Nirenberg in History


A revolutionary classic of feminist cinema criticism; Molly Haskell’s From Reverence to Rape remains as insightful; searing; and relevant as it was the day it was first published. Ranging across time and genres from the golden age of Hollywood to films of the late twentieth century; Haskell analyzes images of women in movies; the relationship between these images and the status of women in society; the stars who fit these images or defied them; and the attitudes of their directors. This new edition features both a new foreword by New York Times film critic Manohla Dargis and a new introduction from the author that discusses the book’s reception and the evolution of her views.

#523046 in Books David Nirenberg 2016-07-21 2014-10-20Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.00 x 1.00 x 6.00l; .0 #File Name: 022637985X347 pagesNeighboring Faiths Christianity Islam and Judaism in the Middle Ages and Today

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Neighbors?By HawkeyeAlthough it is well written in nine chapters; one third of the book is reference and index. It has no photographs or maps to illuminate the reader and in some areas wording is difficult to comprehend the text. In fact the book is presented as an academic paper and can get very boring due to the lay-out of the printing. The author has done much research into original documents of the period to illustrate his views. I spent a great deal of time referencing word and phrases I was not familiar with reading this text. The reader immediately needs to comprehend the types of Jewishness this work deals: Ashkenaz; Shephard; and Mizrahi.This very interesting book is how Muslim; Christians and Jews (“People of The Book”) lived with; thought about; and continued to influence and shape each other in the Middle Ages primarily in the Iberian Peninsula. The premise pays close attention to these neighbors loved; tolerated; massacred and expelled each other in the name of God with the Jews obtaining the worse of it. Much of the book deals with the Christian Iberian Peninsula primarily with Aragon and Castile and revolves around the 1391 massacre of the Jews in Valencia. Most of the book deals with the Christian/Jewish relations with conversion during this period and region and the repercussions. Conversion open entirely new avenues for social advancement for the Jews. This was especially evident in marriage alliances. These “conversos” created another class of people within the Spanish Kingdoms competing with the old Christian society.If you are not very familiar in this field of study; the book is mostly a boring read that has no place in a beach vacation. This is especially true of Chapter 6 which stresses the cultural creativity unleashed by the mass conversions of Jews to Christianity resulting in (according to the author) a secularizing of society from then on. David Nirenberg brings the reader to our millennium in the last two chapters. Much of the philosophy he snatches from medieval times-through modernity is brought to the 21st Century. The last chapter via a 2006 speech of Pope Benedict XVI philosophizes about Islam's relations with the West. Although a compelling look into a seven hundred year history of Iberian society where “The People of The Book” interact on many levels; if you are looking for Portuguese involvement as I; you will be very disappointed for there is only scant material in this text regarding such.0 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Excellent contribution to the study of Islam in the Middle ...By A. HernandezExcellent contribution to the study of Islam in the Middle Ages; and to our understanding of relations among selected Christian; Islamic; and Jewish communities across different time and place of the Medieval world. Highly relevant and insightful for those who wanting to learn more from a historical contract with the state of relations and conflicts among these three faiths in the present times.2 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Exceptional scholarship into the tangled world of Jewish; Christian ...By Dr. Christopher LeightonExceptional scholarship into the tangled world of Jewish; Christian and Muslim relations. This collection of essays makes for demanding; but very rewarding reading.

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