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Mysticism: Christian and Buddhist (Routledge Classics) (Volume 69)

audiobook Mysticism: Christian and Buddhist (Routledge Classics) (Volume 69) by D.T. Suzuki in History


Filling the most glaring gap in Shrivaishnava scholarship; this book deals with the history of interpretation of a theological concept of self-surrender-prapatti in late twelfth and thirteenth century religious texts of the Shrivaishnava community of South India. This original study shows that medieval sectarian formation in its theological dimension is a fluid and ambivalent enterprise; where conflict and differentiation are presaged on "sharing"; whether of a common canon; saint or rituals or two languages (Tamil and Sanskrit); or of a "meta-social" arena such as the temple. Srilata Mueller; a member of the Shrivaishnava community; argues that the core ideas of prapatti in these religious texts reveal the description of a heterogeneous theological concept. Demonstrating that this concept is theologically moulded by the emergence of new literary genres; Mueller puts forward the idea that this original understanding of prapatti is a major contributory cause to the emergence of sectarian divisions among the Shrivaishnavas; which lead to the formation of two sub-sects; the Tenkalai and the Vatakalia; who stand respectively; for the "cat" and "monkey" theological positions. Making an important contribution to contemporary Indian and Hindu thinking on religion; this text provides a new intellectual history of medieval Indian religion. It will be of particular interest to scholars of Shrivaishnava and also Hindu and Indian religious studies.

#461398 in Books Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki 2002-08-04 2002-05-09Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 7.80 x .47 x 5.08l; .50 #File Name: 0415285860200 pagesMysticism

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Another Worthwhile Suzuki BookBy S. BatemanI found this to be a really interesting book. I like most everything that Suzuki wrote. Meister Eckhart is the primary Christian quoted by Suzuki; and his mysticism is quite similar to that espoused by Zen Buddhists. Suzuki was one of the first to point out that all mystical traditions point to the same unitive reality; and this book focuses specifically on what these similarities consist in. His finest work is probably The Zen Theory of No-Mind; followed by Zen and Japanese Culture. Suzuki was the true pioneer who introduced Western readers to Zen; and much that he said is still quite original and penetrating.2 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Compelling Synthesis of Eastern and Western MysticismBy Phil CalandraI believe that you are able to come to a clearer understanding of mysticism when D.T Suzuki compares Christian and Buddhist mysticism. You find that there are many more similarities than differences between these two philosophies. I believe the central theme uniting both these philosophies is that there is only one "Reality". Meister Eckhart; the great Christian Mystic; states that there is an "Absolute" which he calls the "Absolute Nothingness". In contrast; "God"; "relativity"; is "something". This is expressed in Buddhist terms as "Trisna"; the basis of all existence. Trisna is even before existence and is not yet a "what". Trisna can be called the pure will. Trisna with a small t may be described as "nature" or the manifestation of "Trisna". In section II of the book under Appendices-section VIII;IX;X; the book becomes somewhat difficult to understand as proper defintions are not provided for Buddhist terms; however; notwithstanding the foregoing; the author gives a cogent and compelling synthesis of these two great schools of thought and offers insight into the difficult subject of mysticism. I would highly recommend this book.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Eastern and Western Philosophical Approaches to Mysticism and the Spiritual ExperiencesBy LAVERN DE WILDESuzuki takes the reader through a contrast and comparison of the "mystical" experience and the commonalities between Christian and Buddhist awakening and/or the mystical spiritual experience.

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