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Medieval Wisdom for Modern Christians: Finding Authentic Faith in a Forgotten Age with C. S. Lewis

ePub Medieval Wisdom for Modern Christians: Finding Authentic Faith in a Forgotten Age with C. S. Lewis by Chris R. Armstrong in History


The past is brought to present when James Speicher examines the lives of the soldiers who bravely fought for the Sumter Flying Artillery Battery during the Civil War. The original unit; which mostly consisted of men from Georgia; began as a single battery; but grew into a five-battery battalion that served under General Robert E. Lee. Speicher's book details the battles that took place from 1861 through 1865; and notes the conditions that the soldiers faced while serving in the Confederate army. Vintage letters; Civil War-era newspaper articles; and personal photographs offer insight into their lives both; on and off; the battlefield.

#188498 in Books Baker Pub Group/Baker Books 2016-05-17 2016-05-17Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.00 x .68 x 6.00l; .81 #File Name: 1587433788272 pages

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Insightful and ValuableBy CustomerSince I have written published works on Medieval Celtic Christianity and CS Lewis; I wasn't sure what I would learn that was new in this book. Yet coming at it with this background; Medieval Wisdom for Modern Christians was still a valuable read. Armstrong has excellent writing style (the medium fits the message) and has breadth and depth of knowledge--both of Lewis and friends; and also of the Middle Ages. This book helped me to realize the extent to which elements of Celtic Faith that I love are in fact expressions of broader Medieval Christianity. Armstrong is an Evangelical; whereas my theology is more Mainstream; but I found no reason to quibble with his theological assertions. I recommend this book to any Christian reader and hope it gains in readership and influence.2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Gift Worth Commenting On!By W. G. WalkerThis was a gift for a family member. She was surprised at how detailed and historical the book is; and how much information it contains. She still comments several months later ...Sounds like a winner!0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five StarsBy Tonya RobertsThanks!

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