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Martin's Dream: My Journey and the Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

DOC Martin's Dream: My Journey and the Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. by Clayborne Carson in History


With contributions from leading American and European scholars; this collection of original essays surveys the actors and the modes of writing history from the "margins" of society; focusing specifically on African Americans. Nearly 100 years after The Journal of Negro History was founded; this book assesses the legacy of the African American historians; mostly amateur historians initially; who wrote the history of their community between the 1830s and World War II. Subsequently; the growth of the civil rights movement further changed historical paradigms--and the place of African Americans and that of black writers in publishing and in the historical profession. Through slavery and segregation; self-educated and formally educated Blacks wrote works of history; often in order to inscribe African Americans within the main historical narrative of the nation; with a two-fold objective: to make African Americans proud of their past and to enable them to fight against white prejudice. Over the past decade; historians have turned to the study of these pioneers; but a number of issues remain to be considered. This anthology will contribute to answering several key questions concerning who published these books; and how were they distributed; read; and received. Little has been written concerning what they reveal about the construction of professional history in the nineteenth century when examined in relation to other writings by Euro-Americans working in an academic setting or as independent researchers.

#2095984 in Books Clayborne Carson 2014-01-07 2014-01-07Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 224.79 x .80 x 6.04l; .74 #File Name: 1137278935304 pagesMartin s Dream My Journey and the Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Martin's DreamBy sandy livingstonI thought this was a great read to learn about Clayborne Carson as well as Martin Luther King. The events and individuals he referred to in the book were interesting because I was living in the Bay Area during those times. It was useful to see how everyone was connected. I learned a lot about the Black Panthers too. Great read for anyone who wants to learn more about that era.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Martin's Dream by Clayborne Carson is a compelling must read!By Rev. Dr. Greg T. BaileyThis book is written by a historian with personal knowledge to the familyof the twentieth century greatest ethicist. Carson speaks about theroller coaster ride of uncovering; revealing and responding to the hiddentruths about Martin Luther King Jr. Once you start reading it; you cannot putit down.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Martin's DreamBy Miriam AronerThe book gives an interesting and less-well known view of events and of the King family. The editing is poor. I know the sister of the writer and she told me that they DID edit it but the publisher ignored their editing. But it's a good book.

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