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Lure of the Labrador Wild (Arctic Adventure)

DOC Lure of the Labrador Wild (Arctic Adventure) by Dillon Wallace; Lawrence Millman in History


“Until now; Thomas Dring’s memoir of his incarceration on a British prison ship has been available only in the heavily edited version first published in 1829. Now; however; thanks to the careful work of David Swain; students of the Revolutionary War at long last have a reliable edition of this fascinating and important source.”—EDWIN G. BURROWS; author of Forgotten Patriots: The Untold Story of American Prisoners During the Revolutionary War and Pulitzer Prize-winning co-author of Gotham: A History of New York City to 1898 “Among the many events which took place during the Revolutionary War from its commencement to its termination [are] the cruelties inflicted upon that unfortunate class of men who had the misfortune to be numbered among the prisoners [of the British] and more particularly those whom the dreadful chance of war had placed on board their prison ships at New York.” So begins the remarkable narrative of Thomas Dring. In 1824; Dring was an aging man of 65; retired in his native state of Rhode Island. Forty-two years before; he; like thousands of other young men; had been caught up in the American cause. In 1782; he had been captured by the British and sentenced to the infamous prison ship Jersey; a demasted hulk anchored in the East River off New York City. It is estimated that more than 11;000 men perished on the British prison ships over the course of the war; and their bones regularly washed up on the shore long after hostilities ceased. Dring survived to tell the tale; and in 1824; he decided to do just that. He was motivated partly because the fate of the prisoners was beginning to be doubted; that their hardships were thought to have been grossly exaggerated; and even that the entire experience had never occurred. This book publishes for the first time the complete text of Dring’s handwritten manuscript; a major primary-source document; in which he describes the horrible conditions; treatment by guards; and experiences that he and others endured during captivity. Recollections of Life on the Prison Ship Jersey is a plea not to forget but instead to remember the inhumanity of the captors and the sacrifices of the captives—a message that continues to resonate today. Editor David Swain has provided an introductory essay and extensive notes that contain background information and historical documentation to accompany and illuminate the original manuscript.

#3797377 in Books 2004-11-01Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 .69 x 5.54 x 8.50l; #File Name: 1592285716240 pages

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. a fascinating story of survival.By romancegirl1963I purchased this book for a family member who is a descendant of Mr. Hubbard. she loved this book. if you don't know this story; you will enjoy this book. it is a fascinating adventure.2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Absolutely OutstandingBy David J. BeislerThe Lure of the Labrador Wild is one of; if not the best; novels about exploration and adventure I have ever read. Wallace's writing is so descriptive you can almost feel the hunger pangs of starvation and feel the sub-zero temperatures; rain; snow and wind. The story reveals the true character of the three explorers and their love for and loyalty to each other when it seems they are the only living beings left in the world. You cannot help but share their pain and grief as they slip deeper and deeper into the tragedy of their expedition. The fact that it is all true and actually happened makes it even more incredible. I immediately ordered Walace's sequel to this great book in order to; like Wallace himself; finish the expedition originally undertaken so hopefully by Leonidas Hubbard. Don't pass up this excellent book.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. not great print or formatBy jrebThis is one of my favorite books of all time. I was disappointed with the beginning pages; in French. The type for the text of the book looked more like an old computer-printer font than a font that I would like to read. The size of the book was not conducive to carrying around to enjoy when possible.

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